Rabu, 22 Oktober 2014

The Difference Between a Date and a Soul Mate

Are you fed up with the endless stream of go-nowhere relationships with losers, commitment phobes and other "no-potential" men?

Then you need to stop spending time on tactical things that get you short term results: How to flirt. When to call him back. When to sleep with him. Where to meet men.

These superficial strategies might get you a date, but they won't bring you a partner that is right for you down in your soul. Even worse... they'll PREVENT you from addressing the real cause of your love challenges.

What REALLY Prevents You From Attracting Genuine Love
The true blockers of love aren't being "too old" Or "too smart" Or "too out of shape" They are the harmful beliefs, fears and pain that run under the surface of everything you say and do.

Even though you don't realize it, they control who you attract and how you feel. They show up in the men you date (unavailable, jerks, deadbeats, cheaters... you name it), and in the way you feel with them (unfulfilled, disconnected, unsupported, lonely, incomplete), and how you feel about yourself (not pretty enough, not smart enough, anxious...). And the only way to undo their damage is to address them at their core.

These Small Inner Shifts Will Get You Life-Changing Results Here's the truth about attracting genuine love: it's all about small inner shifts that transform what's blocking you from love, and empower you to know what you truly need to be happy. And when you make them, you can make every single dating mistake in the book and it won't matter.

These shifts go deep, but they don't have to be hard. You just need a guide to help you identify what these shifts are, how to make them, and how to keep them.

Subscribe to our FREE love advice newsletter, and we'll teach you how to break all the unconscious patterns and destructive habits that are holding you back from genuine love.

We've been coaching singles for decades and have seen person after person, no matter how desperate they felt or "unlucky in love" they'd been, find who their hearts have yearned for once they'd identified and replaced these hidden destructive forces with healthy, loving ones. Now it's your turn:

I hope you enjoyed the article above. It was written by Katie & Gay Hendricks, best-selling authors of the eBook "Hearts In Harmony," who have helped thousands of individuals and couples create genuine, lasting love.


David Riklan
Editor - Self Improvement Newsletter
Founder - SelfGrowth.com

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