Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

The Natural Wrinkle Eraser

Dear thomas,

If you want to fight the signs of aging and look younger, then you need to read what my colleague, Dr. Al Sears, has to share with you. Check out his message below to learn more.

To Your Good Health,

David Riklan
Editor - Natural Health Newsletter
Founder - and

The Women At My Clinic Call It
Their Genie In A Bottle

Dear thomas,

When I walked into my office yesterday, this was the first thing I heard.

"Dr. Sears, I think I should have plastic surgery. Yesterday, my dentist's receptionist said to me… 'Oh what cute grandkids you have.' But they were my kids. I don't have grandchildren! Sure I started our family a little late, but how can she think I look old enough to have grandchildren?"

Meet Al Sears, M.D.
Uniquely Qualified to Keep
You Healthier for Life

Dr sears

Al Sears, M.D., is a medical doctor and one of the nation's first board-certified anti-aging physicians.

In 2010, Dr. Sears unveiled his proven anti-aging strategies in Reset Your Biological Clock. As the first U.S. doctor licensed to administer a groundbreaking DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase, Dr. Sears made history by bringing telomere biology to the general public.

An avid lecturer, Dr. Sears regularly speaks at conferences sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG).

He is an author of 14 books, and enjoys a worldwide readership and has appeared on more than 50 national radio programs, ABC News and CNN.

I told Mary she had nothing to worry about.

And that's when I placed my newest Anti-Aging serum into Mary's hands. Because on a shelf, in my office, I had exactly what she needed to look younger and it wasn't a scalpel.

The Secret Ingredient
From South America

This breakthrough solution lies in a discovery I made when I went to visit Peru. I was struck by the exotic beauty of the women there. South American women have long been recognized for their beauty.

I discovered the secret ingredient that these beautiful women use. It is only available in South America. They use it daily to keep their skin's complexion glowing, vibrant and youthful.

So what did I give Mary? I call it Caracol Bella. And it can transform your skin, giving you the appearance of younger, more vibrant, beautiful skin.

Obviously, there's no genie in my formula, but the power of its all-natural ingredients work like magic. This secret has been highly revered and kept hidden by South American women for years. That's why no one in the United States had access to it, much less knew about it.

It started back in 1980. That's when a family of farm workers in Chile unearthed the best-kept beauty secret in the world. These farmers began noticing that their dry, withered hands were becoming incredibly soft. Their skin looked and felt like it did when they were boys. This wasn't typical of course.

Especially From Farm Workers Who Worked With
Their Hands Daily, Not In Soil, But With Hard Shells

Because that's what these farmers were packaging - escargots to be shipped to the finest restaurants in France.

You would expect them to have dry, cracked, chaffed skin. But instead, their hands looked great! In fact, they looked young again. They didn't have painful, damaged skin anymore. Redness and patchiness that usually bothered the workers' palms and fingers had gone away. All the farmers who handled the snails admitted that their skin was now softer than ever. And that's just from picking them up and placing them in a box.

Can you imagine the results if they had done more than simply pack them? I certainly saw the potential! I wanted to make use of it all. And I did... plus more.

Powerful Protein Soothes Your Skin

I extracted the snail's enzyme that is responsible for this skin transformation - superoxide dismutase - also known as SOD. SOD is a powerful antioxidant that seeks out and attacks free radicals. Free radicals are those molecules that contain one or more unpaired electrons, so they search for extra electrons to make them more stable. Unfortunately, in their search, they end up attacking healthy molecules, causing cellular damage all through your body, including your skin. But SOD helps counter that. With SOD, you can help restore and improve your skin's smooth, youthful appearance, just like it did for the farmers' hands.

By utilizing SOD, a powerful component in its own right, and combining it with other nutrients crucial to beautiful skin, I was able to create an all-natural super-effective beauty formula that soothes your skin, erases signs of aging and locks in moisture.

Now I'm No Genie,
But I Am An Expert In Anti-Aging And Wellness.

I travel all over the world looking for the perfect natural elements that I can blend together to produce powerful results that will help you live long, healthy, more beautiful lives.

I knew if I combined SOD with other powerful ingredients, I could create my own South American Beauty Secret to offer to my patients in the United States.

Caracol Bella Is The Result Of All My Research
And Testing. It Is My New Anti-Aging Serum Designed
To Make You Look Younger.

It is the ultimate beauty serum that will help you combat signs of aging, fight wrinkles and improve your youthful appearance.

This formula incorporates everything you need to get results. I'm so positive you'll see a difference, I guarantee it. There's no risk to you. Click here to try it today.

Now, you might ask, why am I so confident you will love Caracol Bella? Because I personally chose each ingredient for its remarkable healing properties to create my new anti-aging serum.

In addition to SOD, I added (HA) Hyaluronic Acid to Caracol Bella. HA is a natural hydrating nutrient already present in your body. It's like nature's moisturizer that keeps your skin from looking old.

It works sort of like a sponge in the way it can bind to water and absorb more than 1,000 times its original weight. It's made up of two modified simple sugars that are large and long in size. They work together to hydrate your face in a way that adds fullness and shape to your skin.

Skin needs moisture to maintain the fullness and smoothness you have come to recognize as youthfulness. If you go back and look at your baby pictures, or even pictures when you were in high school, you'll notice the fuller cheeks, the smooth forehead and of course - no wrinkles. HA is responsible for that. That's the good news!

But the bad news is, although HA is found naturally in most every cell of your being, it only has a lifespan of about 1 to 3 days max before it is broken down and cleared out of your body. That's why it's so imperative that your body continually replenishes your skin with HA.

But unfortunately, as we age, we can't make the same amount of HA we had as babies. Your skin loses the ability to retain moisture, and that's when you see it get drier, thinner, and more saggy and deflated. That's when those dreaded signs of aging appear. This is a reflection of your body's loss of HA. The wrinkles seem to come out of nowhere.

Caracol Bella Replenishes Your Skins HA,
Restoring A More Youthful Appearance, Naturally

And though I could have stopped with the healing benefits of HA, I wanted to add yet another all-natural ingredient called Canadian Willowherb. Research studies show it can aid in restoring your skin back to its original youthful-looking design by evening out your complexion, and softening your skin. It will improve overall skin tone by 99.9% within 2 hours of applying.1 In addition to SOD, Willowherb and HA, I added even more powerful nutrients.

But I can tell you that just having these 3 ingredients in my powerful formula is more than you'll likely find in any of the so-called other anti-aging serums out there.

But I still had a few more powerful secrets up my sleeve.

My travels around the world have allowed me to provide you with unknown beauty secrets that other doctors and scientists don't understand.

While the corporations are busy in their labs mixing synthetic, and often harmful ingredients for you to slather on your face, I'm out in the field, speaking with herbal doctors and natural healers learning secrets they've passed down through the generations.

I'm a doctor and a researcher, and my love of all-things-natural to promote youth and beauty is always at the forefront of my practice. I'll give you the key to looking as young as you can, naturally.

That's why I created Caracol Bella, my skin-smoothing anti-aging serum.

Click here to try it for yourself.

Improve your skin, and start getting rid of those wrinkles. You'll start smiling again at the reflection you see in your mirror. Start today and I'll even include free shipping.

Because I believe Caracol Bella will greatly improve the look and feel of your hands and face with its unique ingredients and blend of botanical flowers.

Like the Golden Chamomile flower. It's also known as Mother's Daisy - but you won't be looking like your mother for long if you start applying this in your daily regimen. I put it in Caracol Bella because Golden Chamomile is packed full of flavonoids.

You know that flavonoids are great at fighting off free radicals- one of the many things that age your skin and rob you of healthy circulation. It's been shown that this flower's ingredients stabilize and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. This is important because when it is included in topical creams it can help improve how well your skin circulation functions.

Many patients who come to see me complain of uneven skin tone and red patches on their face. They don't realize it, but they are actually suffering from rosacea. It's a common problem that many women have, but have resigned themselves to thinking it's just something they have to live with. Thankfully, this isn't always the case. Because the great thing about Mother's Daisy is how it has been proven to reduce redness in people affected with rosacea.2

Caracol Bella - Truly Unique And Verifiably Natural

You won't find anything like it in over the counter cosmetic drugstore lotions and creams.

Most of the ones I researched that promise wrinkle removal and younger looking skin do not contain any of my ingredients.

Rather, they have substances I would never put on my skin, much less my face.

You won't find harmful ingredients in my anti-aging serum.

  • There is no PEG 100 Stearate, which is what the EWG (Environmental Working Group) considers to be a moderate to high hazard with warnings regarding cancer, organ system toxicity and more.
  • I also don't include controversial parabens like methylparaben and ethylparaben in my wellness supplements or beauty formulas. These are controversial because of concerns that chronic exposure may contribute to breast cancer.1
  • And you won't find pediculicides (the active ingredient in lice killer) in my Caracol Bella.

But do you know these harmful ingredients were in 181 other anti-aging products, 164 Facial Moisturizers and 106 facial cleansers I looked into?

Any and all of these synthetic, man-made components can be in your makeup and beauty creams.

1. http ://www.good

Add Moisture And Volume With Marine Nutrients

I also included Asocophyllum Nodosum and Asparagopsis Armata, more commonly known as kelp and algae. The reason these work so well is because they help improve your skin's thickness, and have powerful absorption abilities that attract and retain moisture. Both are also powerful antioxidants rich in vitamins and minerals. Not only do they re-hydrate and nourish your skin, but they replenish minerals and detoxify free radicals within your body.3

This helps your body repair your skin at the surface.

I also added Acacia Senegal Gum to my formula which comes from the dried sap of the Acacia tree. I discovered that it's great for conditioning your skin. It helps tighten those pores, giving your skin a little lift in the process.

All of these ingredients were selected to give you the most powerful anti-aging serum in the world... naturally.

I Promise To Give You Safe, All-Natural Effective
Ingredients That Will Produce Results.

I'm Confident You'll Love It, Or I'll Return Every Penny!

Remember, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I stand behind everything I create. You can try Caracol Bella today without risking a dollar. You must be completely satisfied with Caracol Bella's rejuvenating, skin-hydrating, youth-restoring power - or I'll give you back every penny you paid.

It Only Takes A Tiny Amount Daily
To Make A Huge Difference!

And To Thank You For Trying Caracol Bella, I'll Also Include
Free Shipping And A Bonus.

With your order of Caracol Bella today, you'll receive a FREE bonus report, It's called Exposed: 7 common Toxins in Beauty Products PLUS you'll get FREE shipping and handling.

I wrote this special report to expose the ugly secrets behind the most popular cosmetics on the market today. ALL the big-names are hiding chemicals and toxins in their products. The very ones you use every day.

Think for a moment, would you knowingly rub gasoline byproducts on your face? How about chemicals known to cause cancer?

Here are some of the warnings the manufacturers make about the ingredients they use in their own products:

  • "Harmful... through skin absorption."
  • "Corrosive."
  • "May cause harm to the unborn child."
  • "Skin contact... may produce pain, redness, severe irritation, or full thickness burns."
  • "May be absorbed through the skin with possible systemic effects."

These companies are required to warn their employees... but not you!

This report names names and gives you an easy-to-follow guide for identifying - and avoiding - the most toxic and poisonous ingredients in your favorite cosmetics.

Take this with you the next time you go s hopping. You'll never look at lipstick, perfume... or even shampoo, the same way again.

It's simple, easy-to-follow and yours FREE just for ordering.

But Order Today, Because This Free Offer Is
Only Available For A Limited Time.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

P.S: I'll even offer an additional savings if you order 3 bottles today.

Click Here To Order The Best Deal Now - 20% Savings,
Free Gift And Free Shipping.


Save 20% when you order 3 bottles of Caracol Bella for only $39.99 plus FREE SHIPPING and my FREE special report. That's a total of $69.28 in savings and FREE Gifts. And remember, if you are not completely satisfied, I offer you an unconditional refund.

Click Here To Order Your Best Deal Now!


SAVE 10% when you order 2 bottles of Caracol Bella for just $89.90 + plus shipping and handling. PLUS you get Dr. Sears' breakthrough FREE report, Exposed: 7 Common Toxins in Beauty Products (a $14.95 value) e-mailed to you immediately. That's a Total of $24.94 in Savings and FREE Gifts!*

Click Here To Order Your Great Deal Now!


Please send 1 bottle of Caracol Bella for just $49.95 + Shipping and handling.

Click Here To Order Your Trial Offer Now!


1. Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Canadian Willowherb (CW0102) 0.2%. Fytokem Products Inc. Dec, 2001.
2. Rigopoulos D., Kalogeromitros D., Gregoriou S., et al: Randomized placebo-controlled trial of a flavonoid-rich plant extract-based cream in the treatment of rosacea. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 19. (5): 564-568.2005.
3. Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effectiveness of Canadian Willowherb (CW0102) 0.2%. Fytokem Products Inc. Dec, 2001.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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