Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

Self Improvement Newsletter from How to Gain Inner Peace & Get Things Done

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8/5/13 issue:   How to Gain Inner Peace & Get Things Done

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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #778, Week of August 5-6, 2013
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Recommended Resource of the Week
-- Article: The Meaning of Inner Peace and Steps to Achieving it in Daily Life - By Pennie Quaile-Pearce
-- Article: Getting Things Done - By Judi Moreo
-- Book Review: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality - By Pam Grout
-- Inspirational News Story of the Week
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

Much tongue and much judgment seldom go together. - Roger L'Estrange, 1616-1704

Knowledge gained through experience is far superior and many times more useful than bookish knowledge. - Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948

Happy is the man who can do only one thing; in doing it, he fulfills his destiny. - Joseph Joubert, 1754-1824

*** Recommended Resource of the Week ***

Unconventional thinkers like you can change the world. Yours is the hero's journey - a path of self discovery, a journey that leads to the expression of your unique gifts. Along that path, there are many roadblocks. In What Is Your ROADBLOCK To Fulfillment?, Pat Black melds ancient wisdom with unconventional thinking to identify and release old patterns which may have served us at one point in our lives, but are now roadblocks to our own growth and personal fulfillment. Download the FREE 230-page eBook NOW!

*** Article: The Meaning of Inner Peace and Steps to Achieving it in Daily Life - By Pennie Quaile-Pearce ***

Do you find that your life is filled with stress? Does it seem as if there is always something happening that encompasses your entire attention, and therefore drains positive or high-vibrational energy?

As our society grows more and more complex, finding true inner peace becomes more like trying to find an oasis in the desert. So I thought it might be helpful to share with you some of the methods that I use in my life to experience inner peace and disconnect from my hectic daily routine.

Accept what is
There is only so much we can affect. What we cannot change, what we cannot influence, need not concern us. What I have noticed with so many people is that they focus and linger on things they have no control over. The point here is why worry about something that all the worrying in the world will not change? Why care about what other people think of us when we're not even sure what it is they are actually thinking?

Quieting the mind
Meditation is great way of quieting the mind and it's a very important activity that can change your life. However, not everyone wants to meditate or knows how to do it. Meditating for just 10 minutes a day can have an enormous impact in all areas of your life. If you have a lot on your mind and feel as if your thoughts are driving you crazy, meditation can help you find inner peace. To quiet the mind simply close everything, sit back, shut your eyes and clear your mind of every single thought. Focus on the emptiness. You will be surprised what a mere 10 minutes of quieting the mind can do to turn things around for you.

Spend time in nature
We spend so much time confined in buildings either at work or at home that we have forgotten where we come from. It is natural for us to be in nature, and this is why it feels so good and it is so peaceful when you take a walk in a park, cycle on a trail in the forest or stand watching the waves roll in at the beach. Watching is stillness, observing nature nurtures us. We naturally attune to the rhythm of the seasons and the vibration of mother earth.

Learn the power of a smile
Whenever you laugh or smile, something happens on a chemical level to make you feel better, and stress and negativity are prevented from entering your psyche. Laughter yoga is a brilliant tool to use as a pattern interrupt.

A simple smile can make such a difference. You quickly realize that peace finds its way much more easily to you when you smile and take yourself lightly.

See the BIG picture
We are so consumed within our own problems that we can no longer see the wood from the trees. It's helpful to remind ourselves how big the world is. Take a moment and read up about some other countries, cultures or religions. Be aware that the world does not revolve around your problems. On hearing about a tsunami or an earthquake killing thousands of people it puts my small cares and worries into perspective. My problems aren't really "problems". Looking beyond ourselves is very important in finding inner peace.

Care about others, but don't become a rescuer
Inner peace is hard to find when being self-consumed and only worrying about your own needs and wants. When you begin to genuinely care about other people, miracles happen. However, choose to be empathetic, not compassionate.

Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and treating them as you would wish to be treated. It brings with it infinite patience and grace. Compassion can easily turn into rescuer behavior; it's insidious and can lead to trying to fix someone, which apart from being the height of arrogance, can also distract you from your own inner peace.

An act of random kindness and goodwill allows you to ease your way towards inner peace.

Embrace hope
Hope is what lightens your life. With hope you always have a path towards inner peace. Whenever we get stressed out and overwhelmed within our own life, we forget that hope. We forget that the sun always shines after a rainy day, and that this is merely a bump in the road. With hope, I know that whatever is seemingly terrible is only temporary and that soon enough, things will be just great. This lifts off all of that negativity and gross vibrational energy from my entire being, and I feel in tune instantly.

Discover your beliefs, values and standards
I don't favor one belief system over another, so whatever it is that you believe in, embrace it with your entire being. Be within your faith/belief 100 per cent and inner peace will find its way into your heart. We may all disagree on each other's belief system, and that's OK. However, one thing we need to agree on is that having a solid, healthy faith is the best way to build a conscience that helps to guide us towards inner peace and wisdom. Research has shown that people who are deeply devoted to their faith have a higher life expectancy and are less likely to have diseases such as cancer. This is because they experience more inner peace, which is important if you want to improve the quality of your life.

Commit to yourself
One thing that provides us with much stress in life is the fact that we always worry about not having all the answers. Just accepting that you do not know everything and that you are open to perpetual learning is a tremendous step to take towards achieving inner peace. I find great joy in learning all kinds of things, and just being aware that I am growing as a person each and every day provides me with great feelings of inner peace. Accept that life is one big journey of never-ending learning and you will find yourself closer to experiencing true inner peace.

Live in the here and now
Most of the time, what we worry about is relating to something either in the past, or something that hasn't happened. Living in the here and now erases all such thoughts. Why worry about something in the past that we cannot change? Why worry about something that we are not even sure will happen or not?

Breathing is the only function in the human body that is done either completely unconsciously or completely consciously. It can be a voluntary or involuntary act and thus it is governed by two distinct sets of muscles and nerves, depending on which mode is in use - the involuntary nerves and muscles or the voluntary.

Each set of muscles and nerves can fully drive and manage the system. Therefore the breath has this phenomenal, unique characteristic that enables it to affect the involuntary nervous system. It is the only function in the human body that has this ability.

I am positive that this article can help you find your inner peace. If you require more wisdom and reading on the subject, I highly recommend The Path to Tranquillity by the Dalai Lama.

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Pennie Quaile-Pearce, the Official Guide to Inner Peace, is a spiritual midwife. A firm believer that everyone can experience true inner peace by uncovering their own unique divinity she runs inspiring courses, trainings and workshops to help individuals regain their connection to their authentic self and live with heart intelligence in their daily lives. She is a Reiki Master and has developed the Reiki Training that Acorn to Oak delivers and is accredited with the IGPP. Pennie is also a Breathwork Practitioner & creator of the Breath4Life™ Programme and a Life Coach. She is member of the Self Realization Fellowship & a Kriya Yogi. For more information please visit


Unconventional thinkers like you can change the world. Yours is the hero's journey - a path of self discovery, a journey that leads to the expression of your unique gifts. Along that path, there are many roadblocks. In What Is Your ROADBLOCK To Fulfillment?, Pat Black melds ancient wisdom with unconventional thinking to identify and release old patterns which may have served us at one point in our lives, but are now roadblocks to our own growth and personal fulfillment. Download the FREE 230-page eBook NOW!


*** Article: Getting Things Done - By Judi Moreo ***

Have you ever heard anyone say "There's just not enough time to get everything done?" "The world is just going so fast." "Technology is making life so hard." "The faster I go the behinder I get." The rate of change we are experiencing today does make it seem like the world is going faster. But we can deal with this and get things done if we will set some priorities.

A priority is a choice. Every time you choose to do one thing before another in your life you're establishing priorities. One activity has been assigned greater importance than another activity. Your priorities should be to do those things that will lead you to the accomplishment of your goals. Many people do a lot of things, work hard, and still don't accomplish their goals. They don't have an objective, organized, common sense understanding of how what we do today relates to tomorrow, next week, next year or what they want in life. If you want to be sure to achieve your goals, you must work backward from the desired achievement. In order to do this, I will first have to do that. Before I do that, I must do this. Go all the way back to where you are right now. What do you need to do now?

What we do or don't get done is a result of our habits...many of which began in childhood and have carried on with us throughout the rest of our lives. Some are beneficial; others are destructive.

If you are going to get things done, you must uncover your bad habits, break them, and replace them with success habits. Some of the questions you might want to ask yourself are:

• What are my bad habits? For the next few days, keep your eyes open for those repeated activities that waste time and are unproductive. When you identify these, you are one step closer to breaking them.

• Why do I do it? The answer is usually obvious. Look for reasons like convenience, the social aspect of it, or just because you've always done it that way.

• Why do I want to change? You may need more time to accomplish something. You may want to have more time to do other things or participate in more important activities.

Remind yourself that destructive activities are keeping you from doing what you want to do. Also, remind yourself why you're doing it and why you'd like to change.

Once you know what the problem is, it's time to form new productive habits. There are three similar questions that are the key:

• What good habits do I want to develop? Whatever the desired activity, it should be placed in the center of your consciousness.

• Why do I want to do it? Will it lead to greater productivity, more efficiency, a healthier, stronger body, or more leisure time?

• Why do I want to change? Are there things you would like to do or learn? Would you like to go somewhere that you haven't been? Would you like more quality time with your family and friends?

Repeating these three good habit questions every day could convince you that it's time to take action and get things done!

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Judi Moreo, The Official Guide to Life Lessons, is an award-winning speaker, author, and coach. Her passion for living an extraordinary life is mirrored in her zeal for helping others realize their potential and achieve their goals. Judi can be reached at Turning Point International (702) 896-2228 or

Unconventional thinkers like you can change the world. Yours is the hero's journey - a path of self discovery, a journey that leads to the expression of your unique gifts. Along that path, there are many roadblocks. In What Is Your ROADBLOCK To Fulfillment?, Pat Black melds ancient wisdom with unconventional thinking to identify and release old patterns which may have served us at one point in our lives, but are now roadblocks to our own growth and personal fulfillment. Download the FREE 230-page eBook NOW!


*** Book Review: E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself Energy Experiments That Prove Your Thoughts Create Your Reality - By Pam Grout ***

Don't face reality. Create reality!

E-Squared could best be described as a lab manual with simple experiments to prove once and for all that reality is malleable, that consciousness trumps matter, and that you shape your life with your mind. Rather than take it on faith, you are invited to conduct nine 48-hour experiments to prove there really is a positive, loving, totally hip force in the universe. Yes, you read that right. It says prove.

The experiments, each of which can be conducted with absolutely no money and very little time expenditure, demonstrate that spiritual principles are as dependable as gravity, as consistent as Newton's laws of motion. For years, you've been hoping and praying that spiritual principles are true. Now, you can know.

E-Squared proves the following:

1. There is an invisible energy force or field of infinite possibilities.
2. You impact the field and draw from it according to your beliefs and expectations. 
3. You, too, are a field of energy. 
4. Whatever you focus on expands.  
5. Your connection to the field provides accurate and unlimited guidance.
6. Your thoughts and consciousness impact matter. 
7. Your thoughts and consciousness provide the scaffolding for your physical body.
8. You are connected to everything and everyone else in the universe.
9. The universe is limitless, abundant, and strangely accommodating.

The list price of this book is $15.95. To purchase it from at a price of $12.63, a 21% discount, go here.

*** Inspirational News Story of the Week ***

* With Hearing Implants, Experiencing Sound for the First Time *

After being born severely hearing-impaired, Sarah Churman heard her first clear sound at age 29 and promptly burst into tears.

Go here for the complete news story.


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