Senin, 25 November 2019

Hi Thomas Chaniago, Credits Kamu Sebentar Lagi Akan Kedaluwarsa!

Segera Belanja dan Gunakan Credits-mu!

Hai Thomas Chaniago, kamu masih memiliki Credits yang akan kedaluwarsa dalam 3 hari lagi!

Detail Credits

Credits dari Kejutan Credit Khusus Buat Kamu #BLMTU20191120 Rp1.000

Kedaluwarsa pada

28 November 2019 06.59

Credits ini dapat kamu gunakan untuk pembelian barang, paket data, token listrik, tiket kereta, tiket pesawat, dan fitur-fitur seperti BukaIklan, Push, dan Promoted Push.

Belanja Sekarang!

Syarat dan ketentuan Transaksi Rutin dapat kamu lihat di sini


Segala bentuk informasi seperti nomor kontak, alamat e-mail, atau password kamu bersifat rahasia. Jangan menginformasikan data-data tersebut kepada siapa pun, termasuk kepada pihak yang mengatasnamakan Bukalapak.

Copyright � 2019 PT All Rights Reserved

Plaza City View Lt. 1 Jl. Kemang Timur No. 22

Jakarta Selatan Indonesia 12510

Anda memperoleh e-mail ini karena keanggotaan Anda pada Anda bisa mengubah pengaturan notifikasi kapan pun.

Harap jangan membalas e-mail ini, karena e-mail ini dikirimkan secara otomatis oleh sistem.

Rabu, 13 November 2019

Important changes coming to YouTube; you need to take action

Hi Dragon Fire,
Important changes that may impact your monetization and content discoverability are coming.
Starting today, all creators are required to tell us if their content is made for kids in order to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws. To help you comply, we are introducing a new audience setting in YouTube Studio.
Depending on the amount of made for kids content on your channel, you can set your audience at either the channel level or the video level. For those who are setting at the channel level, it is just one click.
Potential Audience Settings
These changes are required as part of a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and NY Attorney General, and will help you comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws.
We know that these changes won't be easy for some creators, and that this required change is going to take some time getting used to. But these are important steps to take to ensure compliance with the law.
Please read more below to understand your legal obligations and the impact these choices may have on your channel.
What is changing?
Starting today, all creators are required to mark their content as made for kids or not made for kids in YouTube Studio.
Starting in January: we will limit the data we collect on made for kids content to comply with the law. This means we will disable personalized ads on this content (which affects revenue for creators making content for kids), as well as certain features like comments, notifications and others. Note: You may see some small changes as we experiment and refine our systems over the next few months.
For a list of affected features, go here.
Why is this happening?
These changes are required as part of a settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and NY Attorney General, and will help you comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and/or other applicable laws.
Regardless of your location, we are required to ask you to set your videos as made for kids if they fall into that category, please make these settings as soon as possible.
We'll also use machine learning systems to help us find content that is clearly made for kids. But do not rely on our systems to set content for you -- like all automated systems, ours are not perfect.
If you don't set your content or if we detect error or abuse, we may set your audience for you. If you fail to set your content accurately you may face compliance issues with the FTC or other authorities, and we may take action on your YouTube account.
What is "made for kids" content?
We cannot provide specific legal advice, but according to the FTC's guidance on COPPA, a video is child directed (which we call "made for kids") if:
It is directed to children as the primary audience (e.g. videos for preschoolers).
It is directed to children but children are a secondary audience (e.g. cartoon video that primarily targets teenagers but is also intended for younger kids).
Learn more about the factors that determine if your content is considered as made for kids here.
We know this won't be easy for some creators, and that this required change is going to take some getting used to. While we cannot provide legal advice, we are committed to helping you through this transition.
You can learn more about your own obligations under The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the tools we are building to support you here.
The YouTube Team
YouTube Twitter
You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you on actions related to your YouTube account.

Selasa, 12 November 2019

Tidak Punya Waktu untuk Urus Pajak Kendaraan?

Ada yang baru di

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Hai [name]


Ingin bayar pajak kendaraan tapi tidak ada waktu untuk datang ke SAMSAT?


Sekarang melalui fitur Layanan eDokumen di, Anda dapat melakukan pembayaran pajak kendaraan tanpa harus datang ke SAMSAT. Praktis bukan?


Saatnya upgrade cara urus dokumen kendaraan menjadi lebih aman dan mudah di tengah kesibukan Anda.


Yuk, urus sekarang di!


Urus Sekarang





Seva Call: 1500607

Anda menerima email ini karena Anda terdaftar di

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Berhenti Berlangganan

Sabtu, 09 November 2019

Perubahan pada Persyaratan Layanan YouTube

Kami memperbarui Persyaratan Layanan ("Persyaratan") untuk meningkatkan keterbacaan dan transparansi. Pembaruan ini tidak mengubah Kebijakan Privasi Google, atau cara kami mengumpulkan dan memproses data Anda.
Kami telah memberikan ringkasan perubahan utama, tetapi berikut hal-hal yang dapat Anda harapkan:
Persyaratan yang lebih jelas dan lebih mudah dipahami, dengan link yang berguna untuk membantu Anda melihat konten di YouTube dan memahami kebijakan kami dengan lebih baik.
Komitmen yang ditingkatkan untuk memberi tahu perubahan yang mungkin memengaruhi Anda, seperti update produk atau perubahan Persyaratan di masa mendatang; dan
Penyelarasan yang lebih baik antara Persyaratan kami dan cara kerja YouTube saat ini.
Persyaratan baru akan mulai berlaku pada tanggal 10 Desember 2019. Pastikan Anda membaca Persyaratan yang telah diperbarui dengan saksama. Untuk mengetahui informasi lebih lanjut, Anda dapat menemukan informasi selengkapnya di Pusat Bantuan kami.
Jika Anda mengizinkan anak Anda untuk menggunakan YouTube Kids, perlu diperhatikan bahwa Anda juga menyetujui persyaratan baru atas nama anak Anda.
Anda dapat meninjau setelan privasi dan mengelola penggunaan data kapan saja dengan membuka Akun Google.
Terima kasih telah menjadi bagian dari komunitas YouTube.
© 2019 Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.
Kami mengirim pengumuman layanan wajib ini kepada Anda untuk mengabarkan perubahan penting pada Persyaratan YouTube.

Jumat, 08 November 2019

🌏 dragon, berikut rekap linimasa Anda di bulan Oktober

Senin, 04 November 2019

OTP Login Starbucks

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Hi Thom!

We've received an OTP request from your Starbucks Rewards account.

Please input the 6 digit code below to authenticate your account & get the most out of

your Starbucks Rewards experience!

7 8 2 1 5 6

*This OTP will expire in 30 minutes

*If you didn't make this request, you may ignore this email or contact our Customer Care (021) 1500 078 on

Monday - Friday, 09.00 - 18.00 WIB | Saturday, 09.00 - 15.00 WIB or email us at

Hi Thom!

Kami telah menerima permintaan OTP dari akun Starbucks Rewards Anda.

Silahkan memasukkan 6 digit kode otentifikasi dibawah ini pada akun Anda

dan dapatkan pengalaman Starbucks Rewards yang terbaik!

7 8 2 1 5 6

*Kode OTP ini akan berakhir dalam 30 menit

*Jika Anda tidak membuat permintaan ini, silahkan abaikan atau hubungi Contact Center (021) 1500 078 pada hari

Senin - Jumat jam 09.00 - 18.00 WIB | Sabtu jam 09.00 - 15.00 atau melalui email

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Your Journey with Starbucks Starts Now!