Senin, 30 September 2013 Time Robbers & Financial Organization

Self Improvement Newsletter

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9/30/13 issue:   Time Robbers & Financial Organization

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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #786, Week of September 30-October 1, 2013
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Recommended Resource of the Week
-- Article: Put an End to Time Robbers - By Laurie Dupar
-- Article: Got Messy Financial Piles? - By Leslie Cunningham
-- Book Review: How to Get Everything You Want - Secrets Revealed - By Mick Hawes
-- Inspirational News Story of the Week
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

A man in earnest finds means or, if he cannot find, creates them. - William Ellery Channing, 1780-1842

I not only use all the brains I have, but all I can borrow. - Woodrow Wilson, 1856-1924

Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. - Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773

*** Recommended Resource of the Week ***

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training

*** Article: Put an End to Time Robbers - By Laurie Dupar ***

Time is a finite resource. As much as we would like to solve the problem of "not enough time" by adding another hour or two to the day, it is not possible. We are always limited by this fixed, yet elusive commodity which is why it can be so frustrating when we feel robbed of the time we need.

Time robbers steal valuable time away from us. Some of these time robbers are imposed upon us by others or by circumstance, and are less in our control. Other time robbers are self-inflicted. In other words, we allow our valuable time to be stolen. However, no matter how time is lost to us - an unexpected situation or something we cause ourselves - we still can minimize the damage.

Let's begin by looking at these time robbers and what we can do about it:

Interruptions- Life is full of unexpected surprises. Some are completely unnecessary, some are inconvenient and others are essential to our daily lives. Two of the biggest types of interruptions are personal or mechanical. Personal interruptions are usually requests from other people. Mechanical time robbers are things like when the car won't start or is running low on gas, when traffic interferes with our typical commute or the ink runs out on the computer printer.

Solution: The solution to minimizing the time lost by these interruptions is to plan for them. 1. Take care of them or reschedule the request and get back to what's important as quickly as possible before it robs you of even more time in the way of stress or priorities, and 2. Plan ahead for mechanical 'glitches' by keeping extra supplies, repair numbers, etc. on hand.

Waiting- So much time can be wasted while we wait for someone or something. This time robber is one of the most frustrating because it feels like we are at the mercy of someone else's schedule, senseless request or disorganization.

Solution: The trick to not wasting time while waiting is to 1. Either directly convey to the other person the need for promptness of their response, or 2. Take advantage of the time by having other tasks you can complete. Again, planning ahead with things to do will help you not waste the time by waiting or worrying about things that are out of your control.

Time Optimism- Some would say that procrastination is the greatest time robber, however, equal to the time actually lost putting something off, is the time lost when we take on too much. At the core of time optimism is often the challenge people with ADHD have of underestimating how much time something will actually take to do. We set aside a half hour for something that take twice that long. It's important to learn how to gage how long it will take to do something or get somewhere. When we know the time frame and then accurately plan for that time, we will actually accomplish more.

Solution: If you think you might be a "time optimist," try keeping this time log for even a few days >>>>>>>>>>>> You may be amazed at how different time "feels" than how you use it.

Procrastination-If putting things off is your time robber MO, try addressing "why" you are putting something off. Initially, putting something off might be due to lack of interest, confusion, perfectionism, or not enough time to complete it. However, if you continually waste time being unproductive because you put something off, consider this: Procrastination is a learned habit. Over time we come to believe that we actually function better at the "last minute." Yes, the stress of procrastinating until the 'last minute' releases adrenaline and dopamine allowing us to focus and concentrate better. However, the reality is stress causes damaging wear and tear on your body that far outweighs that extra last minute boost.

Difficulty prioritizing- Unbeknownst to many people with ADHD, prioritizing is another key challenge with ADHD which leads to robbing us of an enormous amount of our time. Often we can "know", have the big picture of what needs to be done, but are challenged by where to start and what to do next. A key to prioritizing is to remember what is "important" verses what is "interesting". Important things are meaningful to us. They include things like being productive, doing a good job, following through, etc. Interesting things that distract us and steal our time typically do not support these "important" things. They may include surfing the internet, watching TV for hours, etc.

Solution: Remember that urgent, interesting and fun are typically not important when prioritizing. Key characteristics of a priority is something that has a deadline. When asked, your boss, family, friend will tell you it is important to them. You can write it down.

Overwhelm-When things seem "too big" or "too hard" or "too stressful," our ADHD brains shut off and very little if anything gets done. Being able to stay out of overwhelm is essential to protecting our time.

Solution: Ways to protect ourselves from overwhelm include: Breaking larger projects up into smaller tasks and setting hard deadlines for those. Minimizing paperwork by handling it as little as possible. If you can do it quickly, do it and get it off of your plate. If it can be put away, file it. If it will take longer, write it down on your to do list with a deadline for when you can do it later.

Perfectionism- "100% done is better than 200% perfect". Perfectionism seems to stop everything on the "get it done" track. It is also one of the sneakiest and most rationalized ways our time is robbed. How can doing a "the best job" not be a good thing? Making something perfect doesn't equate to getting it done and robs us of endless amounts of time. Perfectionism is also a strong kin to procrastination and difficulty prioritizing. When we are stuck in perfectionism, what we are really doing is putting something off or doing something that is more interesting, but not important.

Solution: If perfectionism is one of the ways you are robbed of time, the first step is to know it. The next step is to go back and get clear about what is important whether that is checking in with yourself or those around you.

Ineffective planning- We are robbed of so much time when we haven't planned effectively. This is different than when we have no plan. Typically people with ADHD have considered a plan or thought about a plan. What makes a plan effective is that we follow it.

Solution: Being able to follow a plan is more likely if it is 1. Created according to our priorities, 2. Realistic in that we have thought through how much time it will take to complete, 3. It is written down, and 4. When we refer to our plan frequently.

What are some other solutions to the time robbers that keep you from reaching your goals?

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Laurie Dupar, Senior Certified ADHD Coach and trained Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, is the Official Guide to Productivity and specializes in coaching clients who have been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Through individual/group coaching, speaking, and writing, she helps clients and loved ones use effective strategies to minimize their ADHD challenges and experience success. She is also the co-author/editor of 365+1 ways to succeed with ADHD, 365 ways to succeed with ADHD and author of Brain Surfing and 31 Other Awesome Qualities of ADHD and Unlock the Secrets to your Entrepreneurial Brain Style. For more information, visit

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training


*** Article: Got Messy Financial Piles? - By Leslie Cunningham ***

I am often amazed at how many financial books neglect to focus on the critical issue of how to get financially organized.

So many of us are desperately seeking the one quick-fix step that will turn our financial lives around (like investing in the right stock) that we neglect to take care of the seemingly smaller life-changing step of simply getting organized.

When it comes to organizing our financial messes, we groan, procrastinate and justify.  Meanwhile our piles of bills and financial papers continue to grow, taking on a life of their own, just like Audrey II, the carnivorous plant in the film, Little Shop of Horrors.

This film is about Seymour, a nerdy florist, and Audrey II, the plant that appears in his shop one day, having come from outer space during a solar eclipse. Seymour accidentally cuts his finger and learns that Audrey II thrives on blood. With a supply of blood, Audrey II grows bigger and bigger (making Seymour a local celebrity).

Then she begins to grow uncontrollably, demanding more and more blood in the process.
Our various financial piles and rooms of disorganization are like Audrey II, slowly growing until they become out of control, sucking the blood and life force out of us by leaving us feeling disempowered, overwhelmed and in denial about our financial situation.

I've had entrepreneurs in my classes who would begin to giggle nervously when I brought up the topic of good financial house keeping. They couldn't deny they had an issue when it came to financial organization.

Do you have piles here and there with important financial information (like bills that are due, bank statements that need to be looked at, overdraft notices or parking tickets that need to be addressed)? 

Perhaps you have an entire room designated to financial chaos that you simply close the door to so you can live in denial a little longer.

If you're starting to feel a little uncomfortable being reminded about your own financial blood-suckers, that's great! I want to motivate you to get off your butt and to do something about it. It is pretty much impossible to successfully move forward financially without putting yourself through this deep-cleaning process.

Get Financially Organized Action Step

Clean up your financial messes and piles. Most of us have some sort of financial mess or pile that is requiring attention. Some of us have more and bigger piles than others. Take a moment to mentally identify your financial messes.

You may be feeling overwhelmed or even slightly nauseous thinking about all that needs to be cleaned up and organized, and all the bad habits that need to be done away with.

In tackling the problem of financial chaos, keep the following tips in mind:

1) Be willing to do it poorly. Many of us procrastinate because we don't want to tackle a project until we can do it perfectly. Get past that.

Give yourself permission to do the task poorly--especially if that's what it takes to get you started. You'll find that once you break past your initial resistance, you'll discover new energy, excitement and motivation.

2) Take baby steps and be realistic. Take baby steps and remember you don't have to accomplish it all at once! And be realistic about what you can accomplish in a given period of time. Instead of insisting you get your office totally cleaned and organized by the end of the day, decide that for a certain period of time you'll work on sorting through and organizing one pile.

3) Get support. Call a friend and have them help hold you accountable to whatever you decide to do. Agree to call them when you're done to report on your success.

4) Just do it & do it first thing. Don't ask yourself how you feel about the task--just do it. Decide to do it first thing in the morning, before you do anything else.

If you do it later in the day, you may be filled with anticipation and anxiety long before you actually begin the task.

5) Don't get distracted. I promise as you go about cleaning up your financial mess, you'll find other things that draw your attention--emails, magazines, catalogues, whatever is lying around near your piles of chaos.

Don't allow yourself to get distracted. I want your "distraction alarm" to go off loud and clear as soon as you notice this happening, and get yourself back on task.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel though. Once you go through the financial housecleaning process you'll feel as if you've been given a new life. You'll experience new energy as you reclaim your position of financial organization and clarity.

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Leslie Cunningham, the Official Guide to Women and Money, specializes in working with women entrepreneurs who experience fear and self-doubt in their ability to consistently make more money in their business. The end result that women achieve through following Leslie's advice and expertise is that they are able to permanently get off the emotional financial roller coaster ride and break into six-figures and beyond.

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training


*** Book Review: How to Get Everything You Want - Secrets Revealed - By
Mick Hawes ***


I want to be very blunt and straight forward. The majority of people who read personal development books only read the first few pages and then put the book on the shelf and continue on trying to find the next quick fix for all of the problems in their life. To save you the trouble of reading this book I want to tell you that there is no quick fix. Getting what you want out of life means you have to make an investment and the more you are willing to invest the better the returns. But the bottom line is it's up to you. The good news is in this book you will find answers to many of life big challenges and you won't have to travel the globe spending hundreds of thousands of dollars for decades as I have done. You just need to simply put the ideas in this book into action. Inside you will even find ways to make that easier SO -- GO FOR IT!

The list price of this book is $9.97. To purchase the Kindle version from, go here.

*** Inspirational News Story of the Week ***

* Karma's a Pitch: Bean Balls, Bad Hits Spark Sports Fines That Fuel Good Works *

Whether hurling slurs or throwing fists, as athletes misbehave this summer and draw financial slaps from league brass, those forfeited funds are being funneled to charity -- whether the recipients know it or not.

Go here for the complete news story.


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[EzineArticles] 7 Steps to Achieve Greater Satisfaction in Article Writing

7 Steps to Achieve Greater Satisfaction in Article Writing Logo

Writing unhappily will only lead to more frustration and an unsuccessful future as an Expert Author.

Get pumped for your writing sessions and feel so much more fulfilled when you take a break with these 7 steps.

7 Steps to Greater Satisfaction

1. Set Goals

Most people have a very romantic notion of an author: crumpled clothes, frazzled hair, some sort of smoky haze, and erratic bursts of energy devoted to writing. This typically isn't the case. While taking risks and not suppressing great ideas can be beneficial, greater satisfaction can be won by maintaining a rhythm and staying on task with effective planning. Set goals to track your progress and motivate yourself by celebrating each milestone. Working towards goals not only activates positive feelings, but can also suppress negative feelings. Use any anger you have built up to tackle one of your goals! The feeling of accomplishing a task you set yourself is beyond rewarding.

2. Anticipate Future Moments

Happiness is just around the corner. If you anticipate an enjoyable moment, the results can have a meaningful impact on your path. Feel more relaxed in your writing process by visualizing where you would like to be in the next days, weeks, or years to come. Think of running a marathon: When you see the finish line ahead of you, you have a sense of accomplishment as you think of each step you take toward getting there and once you've crossed that line - it's finished - you did it! Stay focused and capture that feeling of accomplishment to stay motivated.

3. Timing is Key

Have you ever given thought to the absolute BEST time to write? It's different for everyone and the key is discovering the time of day you're most productive and positively inclined to write. Very few can write brilliantly whenever they want to, no matter what's going on around them or the time of day. Find what time works best for you so you're not struggling against the clock.

4. Include Bits of Positivity

It's next to impossible to strip your articles of any bias, but you can ensure your articles are constructive and positive. Prepare by creating a list of good events that happened in your day. Allow the positivity to sink in and include these experiences in your articles. For example, if you're writing a health and fitness article, you can integrate personal experiences that resonate with your advice. Silver lining moments can often reach readers better than fear mongering. A little hope and positivity can go a long way.

5. Write Yourself Happy

Stress can take its toll on your writing. Worries, tasks, bills, etc. - stressful thoughts can latch on and be difficult to overcome. If you are searching for some satisfaction in your life in general, then try writing the stress away! You may have other tactics to let off steam, but writing has been a proven therapeutic tactic and it may help you keep the negative results of stress off of others. Exchange seats with your audience (you're the audience attempting to solve a problem): Write down your stresses or problems. Ready? Switch seats again (you're the Expert Author) and systematically pick through each stress, provide a list of solutions, and reframe each problem by turning them into a positive and constructive goal.

6. Try Something New

Shake up stale routines by trying something new on a consistent basis. Some people like to cook a brand new meal each week to keep things at the dinner table interesting. You can do the same in writing! Write in a new style or on a new subject. Switching it up will help you generate new ideas and lead to breakthroughs in your writing.

7. Find Your Reality

Negative feedback from your peers can surely be draining, and not just criticism on work you have completed. If someone says (including yourself) that you can't do something or it's not possible, remember this: YOU can decide what's possible for you as well as where joy starts and ends. That's why goals are so important. They keep you on task and ensure appropriate boundaries are set. Your reality can be as big or small as you want it to be. Think of it as a gate you put around your environment. You can certainly move the gate in or out as you choose - it's not set in stone. Be creative and avoid overthinking. If you believe you can do it, then go for it!

Follow your bliss and enjoy what you do! Writing takes time, patience, and a strong mind to continue when you're interrupted. As long as you keep at it, there's no telling how far you will go and what tips you'll pick up along the way. There's no greater satisfaction in writing than knowing you gave it your all and had the right mindset going in. Stay focused on your goals and achieve great satisfaction in your writing!

How do you find your bliss in your writing? Have questions or comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Keep in mind that one way to make your writing more satisfying is to make it easier. Article templates can do just that. Check out the variety of packages available in the EzineArticles Shop.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Kristen Burgess "... my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!"

I began my first website in November of 2006 and by early 2007 I had enough content to start promoting it ... I first learned about article marketing from my site's webhost and their guide to getting traffic to your site. They also recommended EzineArticles as a high-quality article directory ... Some of my original articles still bring traffic to my first website!

Kristen Burgess

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Minggu, 29 September 2013

Wellness Professionals...Listen Up!

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Dear thomas,

My colleague, Coach Stephanie Wood, has an incredible offer for all  women who are wellness professionals looking to boost their business. Check out her message below to learn more.


David Riklan
Editor - Self Improvement Newsletter
Founder -


Hi there,

My name is Coach Stephanie Wood and if you’re a wellness professional . . . listen up.

Wellness Professional

Calling all . . .

Chiropractors / Nutritionists / Personal trainers / Holistic practitioners / Massage therapists / Energy workers / Healers / Naturopaths / Wellness Coaches.

This announcement is for those of you who enhance the health of others and yourself.

I’m looking for women business owners who want to:

  • Grow their business and

  • Want to keep their existing clients and attract new clients consistently.

I’m launching a special program to help Wellness Professionals use my Body Knowledge System® with their clients and I need your smart feedback.

This survey is short (about 5 minutes) and it would be SOOO helpful to me to have your insights.

In exchange, you’ll receive a free consultation with me.  We’ll comb through your answers and strategize for how you can best grow your business and keep your clients.

Go here and answer a few questions now.

Talk soon,


Stephanie WoodCoach Stephanie Wood, ICF Certified Coach, PCC

Body & Business Coach for Entrepreneurial Women

Author: Body Knowledge System®, an Awesome Intelligence

Helping you to stop struggling with your body, to walk proud and share your talents with the world.  

1-866-76-COACH       Contact me
BodyAwe   Join me on Facebook   

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Jumat, 27 September 2013

[EzineArticles] 10 Social Media Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

10 Social Media Marketing
Mistakes to Avoid Logo

Increase Your Following By Avoiding These Blunders

Social media marketing holds incredible power in today's business climate. It's not only a platform that hosts conversations for friends, family, and old acquaintances - it has become our central hub of information for personal and professional use. Most people have a general idea how social media works; however, few have a comprehensive understanding of the type of mistakes that can be made.

Check out these 10 tips to get a better handle on your social media efforts, maintain that audience you've worked so hard to build, and avoid these common blunders!

10 Mistakes to Avoid

1. Failing to Post

Posting irregularly or once or twice a week typically isn't enough to stay on the minds of your audience so that you'll be their primary source in their time of need. Regularly provide them with content that meets their needs and interests (content they can identify with or even rally against), rather than bombarding them with non-benefit driven promotions.

2. Putting Them on Hold

Not responding to audience inquiries or relevant comments is a HUGE mistake. The reason is quite obvious: a response is a fundamental customer service expectation. If a customer calls your place of business with an inquiry, you know their tolerance for being put on hold is very low. Don't put your followers on hold. Be proactive by responding to your social media followers' inquiries both on and off your page to make a connection with your audience.

3. Lack of Creativity

Competition is fierce. To survive, you must go beyond the norm and innovate or risk becoming obsolete. Be creative - grab your audience's attention through humor, shock, motivation, and even give them an offer they can't refuse. Give them a chance to ask the right questions, shock and awe them, and surprise them with something unique.

4. Not Watching Your Competitors

You're off to a good start by reading this post, but it's important to be mindful of what your competition is doing. Nearly everyone has adopted social media as a marketing weapon, so educating yourself on what "the other guy" is cooking up will help you generate ideas and innovate for your own success. Take good notes on what is working for them or looks appealing, and brainstorm some ideas of your own original content that will wow audiences even more.

5. Taking Negative Feedback Too Seriously

It's safe to say most people don't look forward to negative comments or feedback, whether in person or in writing. In social media, this can get out of hand because people have the advantage of speaking freely without penalty or posting anonymously, so they have no reason to hold back. It's important to focus on the "quality feedback" and constructive criticism, not just honing in on the negative and acting out. Feedback will help discover weak links and create opportunities.

6. Too Much Involvement

Good promotion entails advertising to the right crowd, at the right time, and without pushing their "off" buttons. Think about your favorite TV commercials you have enjoyed watching. Would you still have respect for the product being advertised if the same commercial was advertised every 5 minutes? Too much of anything can harm your business. Be original and have adequate timing to avoid annoying your customers.

7. Isolated in One Department

Marketing in only one department limits the multi-functional role that it can have on your business. Different agencies that are the most useful are: advertising, media buying, web development, SEO, PR and customer experience. This should be shared across your company so competitors and customers know you mean business, and see you aren't limited to strictly 1 area of a marketing push. Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. This will help you in the long run and will help you establish a clear and varied road map for success.

8. Not Understanding Your Platform

You have to figure out what type of social network fits you and your business. For some companies with limited time to dedicate to social media marketing, it can be frustrating to try to keep up with every hot new social media platform available. Use the platforms your audience is most active on to avoid wasting time as well as have clear goals and a solid content strategy for each platform.

9. Ignoring Data

Having a goal and understanding what you're doing on social media sites is one thing, but keeping track of everything you're doing is equally important. Every click, like, new follower, article read or purchase can and should be tracked for your own benefit. Research the best ways to track and use this data so you can stay competitive and know what strategies are working. Sites like Hubspot have amazing tools to track how successful different social media platforms are and can recommend changes for your business.

10. Paying for Your Fanbase

You'll get about as much engagement out of a stone as you will by buying followers. Not only that, but it will jeopardize your account as more social media pages are taking action against unnatural practices. As long as you follow the above tips in social media marketing, you will never have to resort to "cheating" tactics like paying for fans, likes, views or any other campaign that will increase your fanbase.

What mistakes would you like to add to this list? Questions? Comments? Click here to share your feedback - we'd love to hear from you!

Vanessa, Editorial ManagerTo Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Vanessa, Editorial Manager

PS: Failing to provide quality, original content consistently is another huge mistake for new content writers. Prevent this error by stockpiling your article portfolio with quality, original articles using the Build Your Own Article Template Packages as your guide.

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Nigel Brooks " has worked out extremely well ..."

The relationship with has worked out extremely well. As a consequence of publishing articles on, I have built a huge body of material that enhances my credibility and search engine optimization. However, and most importantly, I have been able to use as a way of helping others.

Nigel Brooks

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[Free Quiz] What's your No.1 Success Blocker?

Dear thomas,

Ever felt like there's something standing in the way of your success?

>>> Take this 30 second 'Success Blocker' quiz to find out what it is!

A few years ago, a friend of mine, Natalie Ledwell, stumbled upon
something truly amazing.

She realized that we all have 1 of 3 very sneaky subconscious
"success blockers" that... when activated... can actually block you from:

-> Building wealth
-> Creating deeper, more fulfilling relationships with people
-> Having the fit, trim figure you desire
-> Reaching your goals

This means that trying to create positive change in any area of your life
becomes near IMPOSSIBLE until you deactivate it and release it!

That's why she created this quick 30 second quiz that will reveal once
and for all exactly what your personal success blocker is.

>>> Click Here to Take the Quiz Now. <--- It's Free!

I can't wait for you to get your results!


David Riklan
Editor - Self Improvement Newsletter
Founder -



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1130 Campus Drive West
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Rabu, 25 September 2013

[EzineArticles] Top Misused Words Part VIII

Top Misused Words Part VIII Logo

If something doesn't sit well with you, will you be able to set aside your feelings?

If your brother turned into a frog, should you turn him in to your parents? Does the principal establish the principle of the thing? And frankly, is every supermarket Express Line wrong?

We're back again with the next 5 most commonly misused words in the English language and we're tackling some tough phrases that can be incredibly confusing. Without further delay, here they are!

Fewer vs. Less

fewer - Used with count nouns (nouns that can be pluralized when needed), fewer is a quantifier indicating "a smaller number of."

Incorrect: Yellow Express Lane: 10 Items or Less
Correct: Yellow Express Lane: 10 Items or Fewer

less - Used with non-count nouns or mass nouns (a noun that indicates both plural and non plural when appropriate), less indicates a "smaller amount of" or "not as much."

Incorrect: The rabid mongoose would do fewer harm if it was given ping pong paddles.
Correct: The rabid mongoose would do less harm if it was given ping pong paddles.

Into vs. In to

into - Expressing movement or action with the result that someone or something makes physical contact with, becomes enclosed, or is surrounded by something else. Combined with the word "turn," into also indicates changing someone or something into someone or something else.

Incorrect: She imagined turning her boss in to a newt.
Correct: She imagined turning her boss into a newt.

in to - The adverb "in" (expressing movement with the result that someone or something becomes enclosed or surrounded by something else) is followed by preposition "to" (expressing motion in the direction). Combined with the word "turn," in to also indicates giving, passing, or exchanging someone or something to someone or something else.

Incorrect: She turned her report into her boss.
Correct: She turned her report in to her boss.

Past vs. Passed

past - Reference to a distance or a period of time before now.

Incorrect: The tourists drove passed the large dark aardvark in the park.
Correct: The tourists drove past the large dark aardvark in the park.

passed - The action of passing; i.e., to move or cause to move in a specified direction to go past or across or to leave behind.

Incorrect: The aardvark past the time burrowing.
Correct: The aardvark passed the time burrowing.

Principle vs. Principal

principle - A fundamental source or basis of something.

Incorrect: "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principal is always a vice." - Thomas Paine
Correct: "Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice." - Thomas Paine

principal - First in order of importance main, denoting an original sum invest or lent (money), or the person with the highest authority.

Incorrect: The winners are paid from the interest without even touching the principle.
Correct: The winners are paid from the interest without even touching the principal.

Set vs. Sit

set - To put, lay, or stand (something) in a specified place or position.

Incorrect: Sit the fence post into a bed of concrete for added stability.
Correct: Set the fence post into a bed of concrete for added stability.

sit - To adopt or rest with the torso vertical and the body supported on the buttocks; to remain inactive or unused; to be engaged in business; or the way in which an item of clothing fits someone.

Incorrect: The idea didn't set well with Fernado.
Correct: The idea didn't sit well with Fernado.

Maintain your credibility with your audience by proofreading your articles for these misused words and making any necessary revisions. Do you have any misused words you'd like to see added to the Top Misused Words series? Click here to share them in the comments section – we'd love to hear from you!

Check out Top Misused Words Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII for more!

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Penny, Managing Editor

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Why your Facebook marketing isn't working

Social Media GPS Virtual Summit 2013

Dear thomas,

This is one of the most EXCITING emails I've ever had the opportunity to share! So please, stop what you're doing and pay attention... it won't take long and it WILL be worth the interruption.

I'm very excited to share with you someone who has not only been turning the head of major media outlets during the last 6 months, but who also is the successful brain behind several multi-BILLION dollar nationwide brands.

I first met Sandi a few years ago when she taught her Wordpress class. The step by step methods that she used were ground breaking for helping many companies get their footprint online growing quickly. Watching her then build her brand and bring such a big impact into the market has been nothing short of SHOCKING! 1 MILLION clients in under 4 years! 600,000 on social media in 20 months!

Are you baffled by the methods, systems and strategies that major brands are using to get success in the social media world?

Or are you a smaller business and just don't know where to start?

THIS is for both of you!


Sandi has been featured by CNBC, in Forbes Magazine as one of the TOP 20 Social Media Influencers of our generation today and has recently become the hands and brain behind several very large brands on television and nationwide. When she told me she was holding a POWERFUL virtual summit on the topic of Mobile Marketing I didn't want any of you to miss it!

"The Social Media GPS Mobile Marketing Summit" will be broadcast from her brand new $150,000 TV studio! It will be life changing for both you and your business.

Now listen up, because Sandi has more than 1 MILLION clients in her client base and more than 255,000 on her Facebook page alone, This WILL sell out fast!

Are you still guessing how to increase your ROI, maintain the focus of your brand and then how to capitalize on the fastest growing platform of our day?

Never before in HISTORY have so many people gathered at one time, in one place, on the earth, like the REVOLUTION that is taking place online through social media!

DO NOT miss out on this!


I'll see you there!

David Riklan
Editor - Self Improvement Newsletter
Founder -


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Senin, 23 September 2013

Self Improvement Newsletter from Lifelong Learning & The Power of Your Words

Self Improvement Newsletter

Improve Your Life Today!


9/23/13 issue:   Lifelong Learning & The Power of Your Words

Email for:

* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #785, Week of September 23-24, 2013
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Recommended Resource of the Week
-- Article: Become a Confident Learner! - By Tina Nies
-- Article: 7 Ways Your Words Sabotage Your Business Growth and Relationships - By Susan Brown
-- Book Review: Unlock the Secrets to Your Entrepreneurial Brain Style - By Laurie Dupar
-- Inspirational News Story of the Week
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one's abilities, whereas adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them. - Horace, 65 B.C.-8 B.C.

Every worthy act is difficult. Ascent is always difficult. Descent is easy and often slippery. - Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948

You must know for which harbor you are headed if you are to catch the right wind to take you there. - Seneca, 4 BC-AD 65

*** Recommended Resource of the Week ***

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training

*** Article: Become a Confident Learner! - By Tina Nies ***

Many adults are going back to school or seeking active learning experiences. With our changing economy and culture, many adults who thought they were done with "school" are finding themselves back in the classroom. For some it's a new adventure, for others their worst nightmare.

Why are so many of us afraid to learn something new?

Why do we feel it will be "hard" to change?

There are a variety of reasons. Bad learning experiences in the past may have encouraged a negative view toward formal learning. We may have been teased for asking a question. We may be afraid of failure. We may just be feeling stress and overwhelm at the thought of what may seem like starting over. We may not have been encouraged to be a lifelong learner.

We forget that we actually are learning everyday of our life! We are having new experiences, applying things we learned in the past to new things, we're visiting new places, reading new books, meeting new people -- all of those things are learning.

Whether you're learning because you must or just for fun, what I wish for you is to become a confident learner and to be able to do or learn anything you desire!

Following are some suggested exercises to help you. It might be helpful to begin a journal to answer these questions as well as write down other thoughts and ideas you have. Maintaining a journal is an excellent learning tool.

Finding your Learning Style is one thing that will help build your confidence. We need to know ourselves, really know ourselves in order to become a confident learner.

Try this out for a week: write down your daily experiences, shows or movies watched and what you liked about them, people you met, did you like them, what did you notice about them, what happened at work, how you handled problems that arose, did anything happen that stood out, something particularly funny or something that upset you.

Here are some more questions to help you develop your learning goals and become a confident learner as well as determining what types of learning will fit your life best.

What types of activities do you most enjoy? Competitive, relaxing, challenging, thought-provoking, laid-back, humorous?

What have you always dreamed of doing?

Do you have specific hobbies that you could develop and learn more about? Are there associations or clubs to become involved in?

Do you have friends or family with similar interest that you could take a class with?

In your normal day, when do you feel most alert, most sluggish, etc. Try to determine what times will be best for you to take classes or volunteer. You want to be in a good mood and open to the experience.

What have you always feared? Why not tackle that fear by learning more about it or facing it by just doing? For example, if you fear speaking in front of a group, why not volunteer to teach a group of students some skill or knowledge that you have. Teachers are always looking for new ways to enhance their classroom learning -- call a local school and tell them what you have in mind.

When you look back at your journal after a week, look at all the learning you've already done! Take some time to read through your notes and identify new learning opportunities. Then take the next step to actively seek out these new experiences.

Using learning styles to become a confident learner is also about identifying how you learn best. Here are a few more questions to ask yourself.

• What types of learning activities do you seem to like best?
• Do you easily remember what you hear?
• Is watching someone perform a task all you need to try it on your own?
• Do you like to use your hands and actually learn as you do the task?
• What peaks your curiosity?
• Do you enjoy reading?
• Do you like working alone or is collaborating with a group more comfortable?
• How do you best communicate with others?

Identify how you learn best and incorporate that to your own life and choices. When you are learning is the best way for you -- it instantly builds your confidence as a learner!

When you need to learn a new task or want to learn something, try to find a learning environment that meets your preferences. For example, if you learn best hands-on, try taking an adult enrichment class or volunteering in a position where you'll learn by doing. If you learn easily by watching, try a video course or how-to. Listening to audiotapes while in the car or doing housework is great for learners who remember what they hear.

When you look for new learning opportunities, keep in mind that you want to get the most of it. You'll easily gain confidence when you are able to associate the new skill or information with what you already know. Having a point of reference will also keep your interest and make the experience more enjoyable. It's important to remember that learning does not need to be an isolated, separate experience. As a confident, lifelong learner, work, learning, living, and socializing become intertwined experiences.

Another way to build our confidence is to share what we learn or what we already know and the easiest way to do that is to volunteer! We can also use volunteering to learn new skills. There are thousands of volunteer opportunities in just about every field and interest. Your local community resource center should be able to help you find a match for your skills, interests, and goals.

In the past several years, we've seen less government run community programs which has shifted that burden to the community itself. Since these community organizations run much like a business, they have needs not only for the services they provide, but with the actual business side too, such as accounting, management, and human resources. It's a great opportunity to explore new interests and learn a new skill. Volunteering offers options in many diverse areas.

Therapeutic riding programs are becoming popular in many areas and need volunteers to help care for the horses as well as walk with the horse and riders. Junior Achievement encourages businessmen and women to share and teach students in local schools about what they do as well as general business skills. Public museums, libraries, and zoos often look for volunteers to guide tours, care for animals, teach research skills, and more. Especially if cost is an issue, volunteering can be a great way to learn and build confidence!

Many people now even take vacations with learning in mind. Volunteer vacations are increasing in popularity. These vacations allow you to use your skills to help others and learn in the process. Study vacations are also an option. You can go to a beautiful or exciting location and take a class, learn a language, visit historic places, and more.

Where else can you go to continue on the journey of confident, lifelong learning?

• Local school districts - ask about adult education and enrichment programs
• Community and Senior Citizen Centers
• Libraries, Museums
• Colleges and Universities
• United Way for volunteer information
• Read local papers for activities of interest
• Audition with a local theatre group
• Talk to your friends - Ask them what they do
• Churches
• Elderhostel
• Private Training and Workshop centers

Community programs often offer recreational learning in all kinds of activities - find one of interest and sign up. These are usually low or no cost. Classes are offered in computers, languages, sports, learning home repair, learning about financial planning, dance, reading, genealogy, and more. We learn by doing -- so do something -- become an active participant in the world, instead of just a passenger going round and round.

There are many benefits to learning. Of course, it can build our confidence, but we can also make new friends, enhance our social life, increase or advance career options, escape and break routines, have some fun, meet goals, adapt to job changes, stimulate our mind, or even do something good for the community. Open your mind to truly see the world and gain knowledge. We have the potential to do and learn anything.

Now let's recap some of the strategies shared here to make the most of your learning experiences. Remember the best way to become confident in our learning is to apply newly gained knowledge or information into our own lives.

Simple steps to become a Confident Learner:

• Start a journal

• Identify your personal interests & learning preferences

• Look at both your current work situation and your goals - identify areas for learning and growth

• Find at least one volunteer opportunity that fits your schedule, interests, and needs

• Determine (and find) what formal learning options you need or want to meet your goals and interests

You're already a lifelong learner, you just may not have realized it until now. Now you can become a confident learner too!

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Tina Nies, the Official Guide to Self-Esteem and Self Confidence, is an Entrepreneurial Coach and Speaker inspiring local success. Her passion is empowering entrepreneurs to develop their vision to know what is really important to them and create action strategies for success as they grow and explore their happiness in business and life.

Tina's experience includes 16 years as a consultant, college instructor, corporate trainer, and community trainer. She completed her undergraduate studies in Business Administration at the University of Michigan and earned her MBA in Business Leadership from Windsor University. She has worked with clients around the world and across the United States. She divides her time between the San Francisco Bay area and Lower Michigan.

Get your FREE E-book "7 Steps to Make Confident Choices Now!"

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training


*** Article: 7 Ways Your Words Sabotage Your Business Growth and Relationships - By Susan Brown ***

The growth and success of your business depends on building trusting relationships with other people. Ask yourself this one simple question:

Do my words pull people towards me or push them away?

This question requires a willingness on your part to honestly evaluate how you use your words and to what degree they build trust and respect.

I warn you that what you discover may sting a bit.

That was my case when my 21 year old son told me that my words (suggestions) overwhelmed him! Rather than building our relationship, I was pushing him away with too much unsolicited "expert advice." He said that my words were "paralyzing" him. Ouch.

The irony of the situation did not escape me. As a life coach, I help people conquer overwhelm, not create it for them!

Below are 7 ways that words push people away which in turn hinders your relationships, business success and personal growth.

1. Adding too much value
When you consistently share information (or your 2 cents), you may be trying to meet your need to feel good about yourself by establishing your worth. This behavior may cause others to tune you out and/or avoid you.

2. Overuse of NO, BUT, HOWEVER
These qualifiers negate or detract from the value of the first half of your sentence and/or send the message that you're more right than them.

Here's a few examples: I would like to partner with you, BUT you have to buy my product first. (That was actually said to me which led me to believe that they really did NOT want to partner with me) or I like the way you wrote that marketing copy; HOWEVER let's do it this way instead. (Meaning: You're way is not as good as mine)

3. Speaking when angry
Anger is a valid response in some situations AND be aware that it easily hijacks your ability to reason well. Anger can also be used as a way to manipulate, intimidate or overpower people to doing things your way. Anger that's overused and abused does not build trusting and safe relationships.

4. Failing to express gratitude
Take the time to share your gratitude for: someone doing business with you; sending you a referral; saying kind things about you to others; providing a testimonial for you; etc. Failing to do these things takes other people for granted, a form of bad manners.

5. Negativity
Consistently sharing your negative thoughts about others, events, circumstances or anything else will kill a relationship before the seed of trust and respect has even been planted. Too much negativity which includes sarcasm and cynicism drains the life out of people. Plus, people can't help wonder what you say about them.

6. Passing judgment
The act of habitually judging all things and people as "good" or "bad" can easily sabotage your relationships and business. It's a short-term and narrow-sighted perspective that prevents you from seeing the positive potential in people and situations. Even though this is a really hard habit to break, it will change by 1) refraining from instant judgment as "good" or "bad" and 2) asking this question: "What can I learn or how can I grow given this situation and/or person?"

7. An excessive need to be "me"
Have you ever known someone who brutally speaks their mind and justifies it by saying, "I'm just being honest; that's just the way I am?" Or perhaps you've met someone who dominates most conversations and justifies it with "I'm such a people person that I can't help myself." Be wary of exalting your faults as virtues because you have decided not to change your habits.

It is easy to see these word-related behaviors in others before you see them in yourself. If any of these triggered an "A-HA" or an "OH-NO" moment for you, please be comforted in knowing that you can change any and all of these behaviors and it's not too late!

Start using your words powerfully by choosing one or two behaviors from above. Then, develop a plan of action that will make your new behavior a habit. As you execute the changes, you will find your business grow and prosper as your words build trusting and respectful relationships with people.

** To comment on this article or to read comments about this article, go here.

About the Author:

Susan Brown, certified life and career coach, is a 16 year breast cancer thriver and founder of Impact Coaching. She changes the way people perceive and do their work so that it becomes fulfilling, energizing and impactful. Susan offers a coaching methodology that integrates her six-step THRIVE coaching formula designed to get immediate and long-lasting results. For more information, go to

You: The Invincible Life Warrior. You, Becoming Unstoppable. Can You Rise To The Challenge To Overcome Your Challenges? Yes, results from this free Invincible Life Warrior Training can come fast, in ALL areas of your life. Change and fulfillment are not far away. But the Hero's path of the Invincible Life Warrior is not for all. It is for those who want the Warrior's Strength within, and care enough about their success to do what it takes. Is that you? Click To Get Instant Access To The Free Invincible Life Warrior Training


*** Book Review: Unlock The Secrets to your Entrepreneurial Brain Style - By Laurie Dupar ***

Discover the innate "Success Secrets" of entrepreneurs that can help you thrive in your business--by taking full advantage of personality traits you already have! Being an entrepreneur isn't for the faint of heart; it takes a certain "type" of person to succeed in spite of its inherent risks and challenges. Thankfully, entrepreneurs possess innate traits or "entrepreneurial brain style" that can foster success once you learn how to make the most of it.

"If you are not succeeding, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with you...just something wrong with the way you are trying to do it!" says ADHD Success Coach Laurie Dupar who has built her life around finding creative strategies to build a business, raise a family and get out the door on time in the morning.

The list price of this book is $15.95. To purchase it from at a price of $14.36, a 10% discount, go here.

*** Inspirational News Story of the Week ***

* Job-Hunt Guide for the 50 or Older Crowd *

If you're 50-plus and have experienced a job loss, or you're simply looking to switch gigs, take heart in the fact that your career isn't over.

Go here for the complete news story.


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