Jumat, 09 September 2011

Thomas, Learn To Use Social Bookmark Networks

Hello Thomas,

This is your weekly article marketing tip.

TIP #12 - Your Article on Social Bookmark Networks!

So your article is up and running on
ArticlesBase.com and visitors can find it
through search engines.

But you wonder - is there anything else you
can do to spread the word on your article
and bring more readers? The answer is yes!
Through social bookmarking websites you
can raise the awareness to your articles.

There are several social bookmarking sites,
and here are some examples:

Del.icio.us is a great website that serves as
your virtual bookmark, allowing you to access
your favorites from any computer, and to
share them with others. Pages added to
Del.icio.us are also ranked by their popularity,
i.e. how many users have added the same
page to their favorites. As a page becomes more
popular, more Del.icio.us readers will access
it, becoming your readers.

Stumble Upon is another social bookmarking
site where people chose website they have
"Stumbled Upon." This service is very common
thanks to a Firefox plug-in and can highly
increase the popularity of your article.
Some more recommended social bookmarking
sites: Reddit, Propeller, Mister Wong and others.

Each article on ArticlesBase.com can be
easily added to the networks above by a
simple click. Make sure to add all your articles
to these networks (requires a one-time sign up
process), and tell your friends about it. It costs
nothing and it will most likely bring more
visitors to your articles.

We hope you have found this tip useful and
we'll be delighted to hear your feedback and
suggestions at support@articlesbase.com.

For latest updates and tips, check out our blog,
Twitter stream, and Facebook fan page.

All the best,

Brett Marks
The ArticlesBase.com Team

P.S: Having a wise link building strategy can be
the difference between success of failure... you
choose the risk you want to take; my recommendation
is taking a few minutes to review this software:


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