Kamis, 15 Januari 2015

How Long Does It Take To Become Successful?

One of the most common questions I get is this:

"Esteban, how much time will it take me to succeed online?"

Ready for the answer?

It takes only 1 second to become successful.

1 second is all it takes to make the decision 
that you will succeed no matter what tries 
to get in your way.

Success is simply a mindset, it requires a
shift in the way you think and it requires YOU
to make a decision.

Success is in NO way related to luck, rather
than to your persistence and mindset.

When I started out, I knew nothing about 
Internet Marketing but I took the decision 
that I was going to succeed no matter what 
tried to get me off the path to success.

Success requires you to make a decision to put
in the work, hold yourself accountable and for you
to actually be responsible for your own results.

Most people never become successful because 
they say things like this:

- I'm going to "try" this out.

- I hope this works for me.

- I'm going to test this for a month and if I get 
  results I will continue.

Guess what? 

These type of people will never succeed in 
business or in anything they do in life because 
they don't a winner mindset.

It's like people who go to the gym for 2 
weeks and if they don't see results they 
will quit because "it didn't work for them".

Things in life don't work this way.

You will first need to put in a great amount 
of effort before seeing results.

Most people expect me to tell them that in 2 
months they will make $30k but the reality 
is that business doesn't work like this.

Some people will make their first sale on their first week.

For others it will take months.

And for others it takes them years to succeed.

However, time is not what matters.

What matters is your decision and commitment 
to become successful no matter what.

People who are successful right now are the ones
who decided that if there is someone else 
making $1k a day online they could do it too.

Commitment and persistence is what separates 
people who are making money online and 
those who aren't.

The main reason why most people aren't 
successful is because they haven't made 
the DECISION to be successful.

If you currently aren't as successful as 
you think you should be, then I encourage 
you to do yourself a  huge favor and 


You can start to succeed right now if you decide 
you are going too and take action immediately.

The decision is not going to make you succeed, 
it's the action that comes with that decision that 
will get you to where you want in life.

Once you get started with me you will get:

Bonus 1: Get access to my team's $2000 coaching program
which shows you everything I do and how to duplicate

Bonus 2: Free lifetime access to my team's $97 monthly
mastermind group.

Inside this group you can ask for any help you need,
you will learn from the traffic sources we use 
and attend hold closed door webinars to show you 
exactly whats working for us. Right now.

Esteban Gomez

Need help in your online business or getting started?
I can help you out personally.

Add me on Facebook
Skype ID: estebangomez00

Click here to join my Facebook Mastermind Group.

Also, stay updated on my latest videos by following me on YouTube.
Granadilla, 33166, San Jose, Costa Rica
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