Sabtu, 08 November 2014

The Most Powerful Beauty Secrets From Around The World

Hi thomas,

If you want to enhance your natural beauty, then I encourage you to read the message below from my friend, Dr. Al Sears. You're going to love what he has to say!

To Your Health,

David Riklan
Editor - Natural Health Newsletter
Founder - and


The Most Powerful Beauty Secrets
From Around The World Revealed

Dear Reader,

The cosmetic industry has spent billions of dollars trying to convince you that the secret to timeless beauty is about what you put on your body.

But after traveling around the world in search of the most effective natural beauty enhancers, I discovered there’s something far better than any cream, lotion, shampoo or makeup.

It’s a completely different approach. And I’m sure cosmetic companies won’t be happy that I’m telling you about it.

Meet Al Sears, M.D.
Uniquely Qualified to Keep You
Healthier for Life

Dr sears

Al Sears, M.D., is a
medical doctor and
one of the nation's
first board-certified
anti-aging physicians.

As a board-certified clinical nutritionist, strength coach, ACE-certified fitness trainer and author, he enjoys a worldwide readership.

Dr. Sears and his breakthrough discoveries have appeared on more than 50 media outlets including ABC News, CNN, ESPN, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Lifetime and many more.

As the first U.S. doctor licensed to administer a groundbreaking DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase, Dr. Sears made history by bringing telomere biology to the general public. In 2006, Dr. Sears shocked the fitness world by revealing the dangers of aerobics, "cardio" and long-distance running in his book, PACE: The 12-Minute Fitness Revolution.

In 2004, Dr. Sears was one of the first doctors to document the true cause of heart disease and expose the misguided and often fatal drugs-and-surgery approach to heart health.

In The Doctor's Heart Cure, Dr. Sears outlines the easy-to-follow solution that effectively eliminates your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. An avid lecturer, Dr. Sears regularly speaks at conferences sponsored by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) and the Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG).

As one of the first board-certified anti-aging doctors, I’ve been helping women tap into their true beauty for over 22 years.

And I’m here to tell you that timeless beauty isn’t about what you put on your body…

… It’s about what you put IN it.

It’s taken me 22 years to track down the most potent, natural, beauty-enhancing ingredients from around the world. But it was worth it. Because now you can get the benefits of all these ingredients in one convenient beauty vitamin. I call it Simply Beautiful.

And from the results I’ve seen from women using Simply Beautiful, I can tell you that they're already showing remarkable transformations like:

  • Brighter complexions
  • Shiny, youthful hair
  • Long, lush lashes
  • And strong, healthy nails

Bring Out Your Inner Beauty

Your body is designed by nature to be beautiful. And if you lived in a place untouched by the modern world, you wouldn’t need to read this.

But the truth is, every day you’re attacked by free radicals, pollution, chemical cosmetics and processed foods. And because of it, you’ve been robbed of the nutrients that create natural beauty from within. The kind of beauty that starts deep inside and then shows through to the outside. The result of this robbery is:

  • Dull, dry hair
  • Weak, cracked, brittle nails
  • Blotchy, dry red skin
  • Fine, thin eyelashes

So-called “beauty experts” will tell you that losing your youthful look is just an unavoidable part of getting older.

So their solution is to sell you products to cover up your flaws with expensive creams, hair extensions, dyes, lifts, fake eyelashes and artificial nails.

But they’re missing something.

I’ve been to places where women don’t need these “quick fixes.” In fact, most of the women I encountered don’t use any cosmetics at all.

They get everything they need from nature. Whether it’s the flawless complexions of Peruvian women, the lustrous hair of Brazilian women or the voluminous lashes of Balinese women, they don’t need a spa to make it happen.

And neither do you.

I’m writing to you today to let you know that there's an effective way to avoid artificial, skin-drying, temporary cover-ups and bring you real, natural beauty.

I’ll show you how to make Simply Beautiful your personal beauty secret in a minute. But first, I want to show you the places where I discovered these beauty aids and how they're the keys to giving you what cosmetics just can’t.  

Let’s start your beauty journey in Peru…

The Peruvian Skin Secret Beauty Experts Missed

When I visited tribes in Peru, the women there had the smoothest skin I’ve ever seen. Their complexions were bright and blemish-free.

When I asked my interpreter to find out what they did to keep their skin looking so radiant, one of the women brought me what looked like a miniature tomato. She said it was an Acerola cherry.

When I bit in, I noticed a distinct sweet cherry taste followed by a bit of tartness. At first, I couldn’t believe that this one little fruit could make such a difference in your skin.

But after doing some research, I realized why the Peruvian women used this cherry as their secret weapon.

A ripe Acerola cherry is one of the most powerful sources of vitamin C on the planet. And a not-quite-ripe one packs double the amount of vitamin C over a ripe one.

Why does vitamin C matter? Well, as you know, vitamin C supports your immune health. But it has another quality often overlooked by dermatologists and the skin-care industry.

Vitamin C could very well be one of the most underappreciated beauty enhancers in the world. Not only does it protect your skin from free radical damage to help keep your face smooth and even-toned, it also helps your body create something that is the telltale marker of youth – collagen.

I’m sure you’ve heard of collagen before. It’s the substance in your skin that keeps it soft, plump and springy… like when you were a teenager.

But as you age, the amount of collagen your body produces drops drastically. That’s when you start to notice thinning skin, less elasticity and fine lines.

Most anti-aging experts will tell you regaining collagen is a lost cause. And the only way to get back a youthful look is through injections, surgery or expensive face creams and lotions.

But what they don’t tell you – or don’t know – is that invasive treatments will only give you a temporary improvement in the look of your skin. And putting collagen creams on the surface of your face isn’t going to do you any good. Topical collagen is dense and difficult to be absorbed through the pores of your skin.

It’s much more effective to consume vitamin C-rich foods. And if you can get enough, you’ll start to notice a difference in the elasticity and overall feel of your skin.

The problem is, eating an orange a day won’t cut it. You need much more than that to get the same effect the Acerola cherry gives to the Peruvian women I met. That’s because Acerola cherries pack 65% more vitamin C than an orange!

Unfortunately, most of us won’t be able to get our hands on any fresh-picked cherries because they have a very short shelf life.

The good news is, I discovered a way to harness the power of the Acerola cherry to give you a power-packed dose of vitamin C that will help keep your body producing healthy, normal amounts of collagen for fresh, glowing skin, hair and nails. And I put it in my Simply Beautiful vitamin.

But vitamin C is just one part of the beauty puzzle…  

Give Your Crowning Glory The
Shine And Luster Of Brazilian Beauties

When I was visiting with one of the indigenous tribes in the Pantanal of Brazil, the first thing I noticed was the women.

They were beautiful. Flawless, caramel-colored skin and beautiful lashes. But what stood out most was their hair.

Brazilian women in native cultures like the one I visited in the rainforest have hair that in the modern world, you have to fake to get. They wash it in the river and it always comes out shiny, silky smooth and flowing. And they don’t use any hair-care products.

In fact, I didn’t even see a bottle of shampoo while I was there. Women today have such a thing for Brazilian hair that salons have come up with what they call the Brazilian Keratin Treatment to help you achieve the results that these women get naturally.

Throughout the three weeks I spent with them, I noticed my own hair was changing, too. It was more glossy, softer and flowing. A significant difference for just a short amount of time.

Now the river water could have had something to do with it. But I believe that the true secret was in what they ate.

The native tribes here don’t like to waste any part of an animal. They eat everything: cartilage, nails, hair. And internal organs and bone marrow. Things we don’t eat anymore in the modern world.

And one nutrient that’s in all these things that we don’t eat on a regular basis is biotin.

Biotin – or vitamin B7 – provides dietary support for healthy hair and nails. In fact, biotin is known to help reduce age-related hair loss in both men and women.

Research shows that biotin promotes growth, strength, and manageability of hair by increasing elasticity and thickening the cuticle.¹ It also increases nail strength and helps them grow in individuals that are deficient.²

In native cultures – like this one in Brazil – the women still get the nutrients that we’re designed for, but we don’t. But I’m not saying you should go out and eat organ meat.

That’s why I decided to add biotin to my beauty formula. So you can get the benefits of all the parts of the animal.

But I didn’t want to stop there. When I travelled to Bali, I found another beauty secret to add to Simply Beautiful that I think you’ll really find exciting…

Grow Long, Lush Lashes With
This Balinese Beauty Secret

Lush lashes are the universal sign for beauty.

They frame and brighten your eyes to bring out your flirty, feminine side people notice from across a crowded room. It’s why so many celebrities wear layers and layers of mascara, false eyelashes, get lash implants or dye them for a more youthful and vibrant appearance.

But as you get older, you may notice your lashes start to thin out.

Beauty experts will tell you that losing volume in your lashes – and your hair – is just part of getting older. But I don’t believe that’s the case.

You see, when I travelled to Bali in search of healing herbs, I couldn’t help but notice how all the women I encountered had such vibrant eyes. It looked like they were wearing mascara, but they weren’t wearing any makeup at all.

When I inquired about their beauty regimen, the women explained that although they had access to “modern” cosmetics, they preferred natural alternatives – like bamboo extract.

Bamboo is possibly one of the most overlooked natural beauty aids in the world. That’s because it contains silica. Not only does silica help your body absorb vital hair- and skin-healthy nutrients like magnesium, calcium and potassium, it also helps improve your overall health.  

Many Asian and Balinese cultures use bamboo and bamboo extract topically in their shampoos, lotions and serums – and internally in teas and elixirs – to help improve the condition of their hair and lashes. But the benefits of this beautifier don’t end there. Bamboo also helps strengthen weak and brittle bones and improve the overall condition of your nails.

It was a no-brainer. I knew I had to add it to Simply Beautiful. But that’s not all…

Defy Gray And Thinning Hair With The
Flowery Secret Of The Ancients

I’ve always been attracted to the healing practices of the ancients.

It’s why I went to India to track down the original source of the 5,000-year-old tradition of Ayurvedic medicine.

Here I discovered many healing remedies for both health and beauty. One of which was the hibiscus flower.

Now you may already be familiar with hibiscus. And if you live in a tropical or sub-tropical area – like I do here in South Florida – you may even have one growing in your yard. But there’s much more to this flower than just a pretty addition to your garden.

Hibiscus (also known as rosemallow and Jamaican Sorrel) is used in Ayurvedic natural beauty remedies. The leaves and petals of the plant work to help improve the overall health of your scalp.³ It also can leave your hair looking shiny and lustrous and help prevent premature graying.4

Traditionally, the hibiscus flower is used in hair rinses and shampoos. But when used topically, the hibiscus flower can darken your hair, so many women choose to take it internally.

That’s why I decided to add hibiscus to the Acerola cherry, biotin and bamboo mix to Simply Beautiful.

You Don’t Need A Lot To Be Simply Beautiful

After travelling the globe, I discovered you don’t have to spend money on expensive creams that don’t address the real problem.

Remember… real beauty comes from within.

Sure, drinking lots of water and eating fruits and vegetables are helpful when it comes to maintaining your beauty. But these things are time-consuming… and they’re just not enough.

As I mentioned earlier, the modern world has stripped away the nutrients you need to be beautiful and has tried to convince you to replace them with chemical alternatives that try to mask the imperfections they caused.

That’s why I created my beauty vitamin.

I call it Simply Beautiful because it contains everything you need to keep your skin, hair and nails looking youthful and healthy, every day.

Simply Beautiful contains all the nutrients I showed you earlier plus a variety of other ingredients including:

  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) - HA is the ultimate skin hydrator. It has the wonderful ability to attract water and plump up your skin. In fact, it can absorb 1,000 times its weight in water. When your skin has enough HA, all that water helps to keep your skin smooth, supple and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Vitamin E - Vitamin E is actually a group of eight nutrients, four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Tocotrienols fight free radical damage, which has an effect on your skin as well as your “insides.”
  • Vitamin A - Found in the yolks of eggs, vitamin A helps to maintain the health of epithelial tissues, with skin being the largest expanse of epithelial tissues you’ve got.

Together, these ingredients work to bring out your inner beauty. The beauty you’re meant to have but the modern world has kept you from unveiling.

Unique, Potent Formula Brings
Out Your Radiance From Within!

Just two pills every morning with a glass of water sends powerful, natural ingredients throughout your body to work from the inside out to give you:

  • Soft, smooth, supple skin
  • A youthful, radiant look
  • Thick, full, shiny hair
  • Strong, luminous nails
  • Long, lush lashes

And unlike other cosmetic “beautifiers” you’ll see on the market today, Simply Beautiful leaves out harsh chemicals, damaging toxins and other ingredients that leave you looking dull and listless.

Simply Beautiful Gives You
A Beauty Boost You Can’t Get
From Any Other Multivitamin

Your inner health and outer beauty are tightly connected – and what happens to one directly affects the other. But Simply Beautiful can help change all that.

Here at my Wellness Research Foundation, I study how the forces at work in this modern world are slowly stripping away at the natural beauty that’s coded deep within our DNA.

These modern threats work around the clock to tear down your body and destroy your looks.

Every day, you’re bombarded by free radicals in the air. Additives and preservatives can be found in almost all of the food you eat. Chemicals lurk in your cosmetics and lotions. You’re surrounded by pollution in the environment.

All of these hazards deplete your body of the raw materials it needs to keep you looking and feeling your best.

And you can’t make up for the shortage with a multivitamin alone. That’s why I created Simply Beautiful, my latest formula for a daily beauty boost. To try it for yourself, click here.

Simply Beautiful is free of all of these contaminants and contains no artificial fillers or preservatives that can damage your body. And the best part is, it only takes seconds to use and goes to work almost immediately. But you may be wondering…

Can This Really
Make You Beautiful?

In a word… yes.

I can’t guarantee the nutrients in Simply Beautiful are the reason the women I encountered had such beautiful hair, skin and nails.

But I can tell you that my hair, skin and nail vitamin, Simply Beautiful, is overflowing with beauty-enhancing vitamins and nutrients from around the world. You won’t find a combination like this anywhere else.

It’s like a one-stop-beauty-shop.

All it takes is seconds of your day and a glass of water. Take it once a day and you’ll be on your way to regaining the flawless skin, shiny hair, strong nails and lush lashes you were meant to have.

After just a few weeks, you’ll start noticing your skin looks clearer and more vibrant. You’ll start using less makeup – because you won’t need it!

Your hair will look softer and more lustrous – even if you let it air dry!

So stop masking your imperfections and start helping them go away for good today with Simply Beautiful.

Your Rejuvenated, Radiant Self Is Just A Click Away

You have nothing to lose. And your satisfaction is guaranteed. If for any reason you decide that Simply Beautiful isn’t for you, just contact a member of my customer service team and you’ll be given a full refund. No hassles. No questions asked. Fair enough?

I'm so proud of Simply Beautiful, I want every woman to try it.

As a special introductory offer to readers, you can get a one-time-only, half-price offer. Plus, you'll also receive…

...3 FREE Beauty Bonuses

I’m including some of the most-loved beauty products from my Pure Radiance cosmetics line. Here is what you’ll get…Splash Purifying Rose Hip Cleanser

Beauty Bonus #1 – Splash Purifying Rose Hip Cleanser (a $24.95 value, yours FREE). Splash is a natural way to cleanse, hydrate, and nourish your skin—so you get the glow without harsh chemicals that can cause damage. It uses natural olive oil to gently remove dirt and pollutants. The natural glycerin hydrates and repairs your skin and improves elasticity. Splash also reduces the appearance of wrinkles and scars with rose hip seed oil and retinoic acid, plus natural conditioners.

Keeping Your Skin Youthful ReportBeauty Bonus #2 – Keeping Your Skin Youthful (a $14.95 value, yours FREE). In this special e-report, you’ll discover foods that keep your skin soft and supple, and foods that help you fight inflammation and environmental damage. You’ll also find the easiest ways to get more vitamin D into your diet and daily routine…and see why it’s critical to your skin health. This report is an exclusive excerpt from my best-selling book, Your Best Health Under the Sun.

Natural Wood CombBeauty Bonus #3 – Natural wood comb (a $11.97 value, yours FREE). Most combs are made from chemically processed plastics that can transfer toxic residue into your hair, especially under the heat of your blow dryer. That’s why I recommend a natural wood comb that conditions your hair every time you use it. It adds shine and distributes your natural oils for soft, healthy looking hair

All together, that’s $51.87 in FREE gifts! It’s my way of saying thanks for experiencing Simply Beautiful.

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In fact, to prove to you how much I want you to get all the beauty benefits of Simply Beautiful, for today only I'm reducing the price of each jar by 50%. Instead of $99.95, you'll pay just $49. And that includes free shipping!

I only have a limited number of these half-price jars, so please limit your purchae to no more than two jars. This is an incredible gift package, unlike anything I've ever been able to offer before. There is no better time to try Simply Beautiful, so don't wait.

To a beautiful, younger-looking you,
Dr. Sears Signature
Al Sears, MD

P.S. Simply Beautiful contains exotic nutrients you won't find in a multi-vitamin. My special formula is the best way I know of to get the specific beauty nutrients your body needs to maintain and enhance glowing skin, silky hair and strong nails you had when you were younger.

Hurry and take advantage of our 50% SAVINGS offer and your 3 FREE Beauty Bonuses PLUS Free Shipping when you order Simply Beautiful today.

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Personal guarantee

Here's what industry experts are saying about Dr. Sears:

“Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom…”
-Ronald Klatz, MD, DO Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology…”
-Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS; Medical Director of the Heart. Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY

“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention.”
-Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA

“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air…”
-Jonny Bowden, auth or, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You


1 Shelley WB, Shelley ED. “Uncombable hair syndrome: observations on response to biotin. J Am Acad Dermatol. 1985; 13(1):97-102.
2 Iorizzo M, Pazzaglia M, M Piraccini B, Tullo S, Tosti A. “Brittle nails.” J Cosmet Dermatol 2004; 3(3):138-44.
3 Nadkarni, A. K., “Indian Materia Medica,” Bombay, 1954, 631.
4 Kumar, S., Kumar, V. S., Sharma, A., Shukla, Y. N.& Singh, A. K., “Traditional Medicinal Plants in Skin Care,” Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 103

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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(888) 795-4005

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