Selasa, 17 Oktober 2023

Have you tried the Alchemy Refiner? ⚛️

Introducing the Alchemy Refiner! ⚛️

Hey thomas,

We've just unlocked a new dimension in visual creation: The Alchemy Refiner!

Designed not just as an upscaler, but a versatile tool, it's all set to elevate every aspect of your artwork.

Try Alchemy Refiner

Alchemy Refiner's Features: ⚛️

Upscaling & Refining: It's not just about making images bigger; it's about enhancing every pixel. From better coherence to emphasizing the finest details, the Alchemy Refiner ensures every work is gallery-ready.

Check out these before and after images!

Before Alchemy Refiner

After Alchemy Refiner

Rejuvenate Old Images: Breathe new life into your past creations! Alchemy Refiner is great at enhancing older artworks, harmoniously blends with all models and gives everything that an extra touch of je ne sais quoi!

A futuristic cyberpunk cityscape with towering skyscrapers and neon-lit streets sets the stage for the clash between these worlds. On one side of the image, we see a vibrant, clean, and lush environment representing the concept of purity. This area is filled with greenery, clean air. On the other side, we have a dark, polluted, and decayed environment representing the concept of toxicity. Toxic fumes hang in the air, buildings are dilapidated, and the atmosphere is filled with a sense of danger and despair.

Before Alchemy Refiner

the futuristic city of the future cyberpunk city cyberpunk 2077 wallpaper

After Alchemy Refiner

Activation's a breeze! Hover over any generated image and click the Alchemy Refiner icon. ⚛️

Try Alchemy Refiner

P.S. We've got a little more magic up our sleeves. Keep an eye out for an exciting new Alchemy update!

Until then stay creative,

JJ • Founder & CEO
+ The Leonardo.Ai Team

SDXL Finetunes - Coming soon to Alchemy!

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