Selasa, 24 November 2020

Is This The Single Root Cause Of Your Problems?


Recently I was surfing YouTube and stumbled upon one song's video that I really like and automatically jumped over to listen to it. One thing caught my attention right away. The very first comment had 261 replies. 261 replies! The song and the comments were in Russian and since I speak it as well I started reading it. The comment said:

15 years ago, listening to this song, it sounded optimistic. It seemed that soon I would be seeing the bright road that would lead me to where I would be happy. I was 16 back then and it seemed like everything will be awesome. Special. Now I am 31 and listening now to this song again, and it makes me sad. I think about where I missed the road. Why did I follow the one that is not mine at all? But there is no answer...

And most of those 260 replies to this comment were alike:

The same thing with me. When I was 16, I thought the world was for me, but now I am 28 and where have I come? It just gets funny...and I close my face in horror.
another reply said
29yo, the same sh*t here. We went wrong somewhere, bro.

and so on and on...


I could literally feel the pain of these people. Because I have experienced this myself. The dull feeling when you look at your life and realize that something went wrong with it and you don't actually know what it was. All you know and feel now is the lack of either meaning or purpose or happiness or fulfillment or success in life or all together. 

In short, all you feel is an elusive and subtle pain of dissatisfaction with life. However, if you don't know what to do, all you can say to yourself is that everything is actually not that bad. But is it really so?

Since I already have been through this, the moment I read those comments I knew two things:

1.    The problem of dissatisfaction with life all these people are feeling is actually not a problem. It is a symptom. Which means, you cannot cure a problem by treating its symptom. This is why problems like this are so elusive and irremovable.
2.    I can actually help such people.

The sad fact is that most of us keep fighting the symptoms of our problems. And this is a fight one can hardly win because we don't see the root cause several layers below of a symptom, which is actually being the reason for most of our problems. 

In our modern world of short attention span and quick recipes for everything including success in life, it's no wonder that many people see only the surface, the symptoms of their problems, and do not realize the single root cause for most of them.

And because of that we never come to actualize our potential at full. And we waste so many years of our lives doing the wrong things, pursuing the wrong goals and living the wrong lives.

But it doesn't have to be so.  

Before the moment I read those comments, I had never given much thought to how to properly put together and share my knowledge and experience about how to figure out the single root cause of most of our problems and eliminate it. 

I will always remember that moment when I decided to do something about it. 

And I'm glad I did. After years of trial-and-error, I finally found my working method that eliminates the single root cause for almost all problems in life. Believe me or not, but it's like a magic wand and even better.

And if you have ever been frustrated by how your life is lining up, then it can change your life, too.

And tomorrow, I'll show you how.

But first, a question: what is or was your "white whale" goal? The one you've always dreamed of being able to achieve one day but shied away from? 

For now, just recall it. And I'll talk to you tomorrow.

p.s. In case you'd like to listen to the music I mentioned in the beginning or read those comments, here you go.

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