Senin, 22 Juni 2015

3 Tips for Ending an Argument & 7 Steps to Improve Your Focus


Self Improvement Newsletter

Improve Your Life Today!


6/22/15 issue:   3 Tips for Successfully Ending an Argument & 7 Steps to Improve Your Focus

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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #876, Week of June 22-23, 2015
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Article: 3 Tips for Successfully Ending an Argument - By Yvonne and George Levy
-- Article: 7 Steps to Improve Your Focus Overnight - By Catherine Franz
-- Book Review: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - by Carol Dweck
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

Years teach us more than books. - Berthold Auerbach, 1812-1882

In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet. - Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965

The searching-out and thorough investigation of truth ought to be the primary study of man. - Cicero, 106 BC-43 BC

*** Article: 3 Tips for Successfully Ending an Argument - By Yvonne and George Levy ***

Let's face it: Given enough time, arguments are an inevitable part of every single relationship -- even the happiest ones.

We All Argue

It doesn't matter how great your marriage relationship is or how happily married you are, it is practically guaranteed that, at some point, you and your spouse will argue over something.
There are perhaps as many things to argue about as there are stars in the universe. And just like the stars, some arguments can be small and dull, and others can be bigger and more... explosive.

One disclaimer before we continue:

There are some situations, such as those involving domestic violence, drug or alcohol abuse, that without question require more attention and even professional help. We are not referring to such arguments and situations over here. We are referring exclusively to the common, everyday situations that may spark an argument in a healthy marriage, such as dealing with housework, finances, leisure time, intimacy, etc.

Handling Disagreements Productively

Having made clear that we are not referring to violent situations or extreme cases, here are 3 tips that you can apply next time you and your spouse start to bicker about something:

** To read the full article, go here.


*** 7 Steps to Improve Your Focus Overnight - By Catherine Franz ***

Haven't you always thought having a disorderly mind meant something was wrong? Well, I did. That was, until...

I read tons of information about the brain, including material produced by the Center for the Study of the Brain.

And guess what? Having a mind that is disorderly is a natural condition. Who would have guessed? Hey, we're normal.

Doesn't just knowing this give you a breath of fresh air? It sure did for me.

After my fresh air experience, I was still faced with the challenge that I needed solutions. How can I be more focused when I want and not just when it swims in at its own leisure?

** To read the full article, go here.


*** Book Review: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success - by Carol Dweck ***

World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea—the power of our mindset.
Dweck explains why it's not just our abilities and talent that bring us success—but whether we approach them with a fixed or growth mindset. She makes clear why praising intelligence and ability doesn't foster self-esteem and lead to accomplishment, but may actually jeopardize success. With the right mindset, we can motivate our kids and help them to raise their grades, as well as reach our own goals—personal and professional. Dweck reveals what all great parents, teachers, CEOs, and athletes already know: how a simple idea about the brain can create a love of learning and a resilience that is the basis of great accomplishment in every area.

The list price of this book is $16.00. To purchase it from at a price of $9.54, a40% discount, go here.


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