Jumat, 10 April 2015

[EzineArticles] Did You Know Your Articles Are 100% Mobile-Friendly?

Did You Know Your Articles Are 100% Mobile-Friendly? EzineArticles.com Logo
Access EzineArticles Content on Any Device and it Will Display Beautifully!

We're proud to say, EzineArticles.com has provided 100% responsive web design for over a year. In other words, regardless of what device is used to open your articles published on our site, the screen size and display is automatically adjusted to create an optimal viewing experience for the reader.

We did this so your articles look great on a desktop computer, smartphone, tablet, or other device. Users can easily read your content from their smartphone just as well as they could read it from their large computer screen.

On the contrary, you've likely accessed a website on your smartphone or tablet and noticed it's difficult to read. The text is too small, the screen size is hard to re-adjust, or it simply looks like too much information and it's hard on the eyes.

This type of poor user experience is what stemmed the phenomena and need for responsive web design across the Internet.

Brief History of Responsive Web Design

"Responsive web design" is a term coined in May 2010 by Ethan Marcotte. It's a way to describe a website layout that's built to adapt based on the type of device and screen size. Instead of building multiple versions of a website, developers build a site that's responsive so it looks good on all devices without any special coding needed.

Over time, this type of website design was recommended in order to provide an optimal browsing experience for all viewers. Then, as smartphone and tablet usage steadily increased and replaced a large amount of desktop computer traffic, it started to become a necessity to upgrade websites to be fully capable to support all screen sizes.

EzineArticles Stepped Up

As we mentioned, over a year ago, the team at EzineArticles got on board and updated our websites to ensure your articles were able to adapt to all different screen sizes.

Though it was labor intensive, we wanted to ensure our users didn't miss out on any traffic due to an article with poor display. In addition, we knew it was a key component in order to stay ahead of the game and in good standing with the search engines.

The Future is Bright

Now, by the end of April 2015, responsive web design will be even more crucial as search algorithms will be updated to include mobile-friendly content as a ranking signal.

This means websites that are able to automatically adapt and adjust the display for smartphones and tablets will have a step ahead of those who don't when it comes to search engine rankings.

This is GREAT news to us since we're already practicing these standards!

For those of you who have already updated your websites to make them mobile-friendly, congratulations! You're on the right path to service an increase of non-desktop visitors.

If you've yet to update your website to make it mobile-friendly, we recommend you check out our blog post titled, 'Responsive Web Design is KEY in a Quality Browsing Experience.'

Is your website responsive? Share your process!

P.S. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post that will further explore the importance and requirements of responsive web design as a ranking signal.
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Courtney, Member Support Manager
Courtney, EzineArticles Member Support Manager

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