Senin, 27 Oktober 2014 Handy Halloween Hints & Help

Self Improvement Newsletter

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10/27/14 issue:   Handy Halloween Hints & Help

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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #842, Week of October 27-28, 2014
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:
-- Quotes of the Week
-- Recommended Resource of the Week
-- Article: Managing the Halloween Candy Heap - By Jodi Godfrey
-- Article: 10 Tips for Scaring Away Halloween Fears - Connie Hammer
-- Book Review: Life Lessons from Slasher Films - By Jessica Robinson
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

There is only one thing that remains to us, that cannot be taken away: to act with courage and dignity and to stick to the ideals that have given meaning to life. - Jawaharlal Nehru, 1889-1964

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. - Aristotle, 384 BC-322 BC

If evil be said of thee, and if it be true, correct thyself; if it be a lie, laugh at it. - Epictetus, 55 AD-135 AD

*** Recommended Resource of the Week ***

Ladies, Grab Your FREE JOY BOOTCAMP and Start Experiencing the Shift Now!

From renowned Coach, Author, Speaker and Mentor, Jesse Douglas.

Say Hello To Joy is an incredibly effective and powerful program that relocates your Joy target through a series of simple yet profound daily exercises. Say Hello To Joy works like a deep yet playful tracking device, a sweet smiling personal laser that from the first day, begins to align you with the Joy that already exists in your life. Say Hello To Joy shows you step by step how to turn the volume up on Joy.

Grab your FREE Joy Bootcamp Now!

Say Hello to Joy - Click here to learn how

"I thought the light inside me was broken.
Jesse simply showed me
how to turn it back on."

~ Jenn N.

*** Article: Managing the Halloween Candy Heap - By Jodi Godfrey ***

Halloween means an autumn night filled with excited, costumed children, running from house to house in a frenzied effort to gather as much candy as possible. Once home, you’re faced with a seemingly endless pile of sweets...what’s a parent to do?

Most of us admit to raiding our children's candy stash, so the struggle is not just with the kids. After the trick-or-treating is done, the challenge turns to successfully negotiating the looming mountain of candy. To tackle this gut-busting, artery clogging issue, here are some suggestions to ration, store and use the candy in a fair, calorically rational and practical manner...

** To read the full article, go here.

*** Article: 10 Tips for Scaring Away Halloween Fears - Connie Hammer ***

The usual fears of the dark, masks, monsters and things that go bump in the night begins to surface around the age of three for most children regardless of abilities. This occurs just as your child's imagination and sense of creativity starts to evolve. Fears develop as the imagination begins to blossom and the distinction between real and unreal sometimes becomes more difficult to detect. This is a normal part of development, a time when children need our guidance to help them tell the difference and begin to develop skills to address their fears on their own.

Most children get beyond this stage without much of a commotion yet others seem to get stuck in a scary place for longer than we would like. With Halloween approaching these fears can easily escalate if we aren't paying attention or are confused about how to address them. If your child is not looking forward to the tricks and treats that this season brings and their anxiety is causing you angst, don't dismay, here are ten ideas for scaring these frights away.

** To read the full article, go here.

Ladies, Grab Your FREE JOY BOOTCAMP and Start Experiencing the Shift Now!

From renowned Coach, Author, Speaker and Mentor, Jesse Douglas.

Say Hello To Joy is an incredibly effective and powerful program that relocates your Joy target through a series of simple yet profound daily exercises. Say Hello To Joy works like a deep yet playful tracking device, a sweet smiling personal laser that from the first day, begins to align you with the Joy that already exists in your life. Say Hello To Joy shows you step by step how to turn the volume up on Joy.

Grab your FREE Joy Bootcamp Now!

Say Hello to Joy - Click here to learn how

"I thought the light inside me was broken.
Jesse simply showed me
how to turn it back on."

~ Jenn N.

*** Book Review: Life Lessons from Slasher Films - By Jessica Robinson ***

In Life Lessons from Slasher Films, Jessica Robinson looks at representative works that have been scaring audiences for decades"from Alfred Hitchcock’s seminal shocker, Psycho, to the cult classic Black Christmas and iconic thrillers like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Scream. In this book, Robinson examines common themes that have emerged in these films, their various sequels, and countless imitators--a maniacal and seemingly indestructible executioner, sexual encounters that invariably lead to death, increasingly gruesome ways to slaughter helpless victims, and a lone female survivor who finds a way to vanquish the killer--and looks beyond such tropes for what these films can teach us about life.

From practical advice (listen to your elders) to moral platitudes (teens never learn), each chapter considers a different "lesson" that these films teach. Robinson discusses how the events portrayed in slasher films can resonate with viewers and perhaps offer constructive advice on how to conduct our lives. A fun read for fans and scholars alike, Life Lessons from Slasher Films offers an entertaining and persuasive look at how life can imitate art, and what art can say about life.

The list price of this book is $50.00. To purchase it from at a price of $47.50, a 5% discount, go here.


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