Senin, 02 Juli 2012

[EzineArticles] Changing Times Article Template

Changing Times Article Template Logo

The Old Way Versus the New Way

Whether you consider yourself "old school" or "new school," this article template gives you a format to share your argument with the world.

In just about every niche, you can find members of the "old school" who like to reminisce about times past.

At the same time, there are members of the "new school" who, no matter what the cost or benefit, remain on the cutting edge and are ready to test out new products and procedures.

So how do you find the balance between "old school" and "new school"?

It's as simple as considering how times have changed. Consider these three questions:

  1. Are there any areas of your niche you think: "Back in my day"?
  2. Are there any areas in your niche that have become more complicated as the industry has evolved?
  3. Are there any areas in your niche that have become easier due to advances in technology or resources?

Once you've considered how times have changed (for better or for worse) you need to fully develop a point of view and get writing using this template!

  • Open with a Story - Tell a very short story about the way things were in the past. Depending on the argument you plan on making, you may paint a positive or a negative picture of the past.
  • Explain the New Environment - Introduce how things are now.
  • List the Changes - Point out specific things that have changed. Make each new item another item in the list.
  • Give Your Analysis - Describe how you feel about the changes. Either endorse the changes or explain why the old way is better. Conclude by summarizing your main points one more time.

Use this article format to explain how times have changed in your niche. Satisfy nostalgia while looking for relevant and present solutions for your audience.

You may even get an idea of how things will evolve in the future. Forecast changes in your niche by using the Predictions Article Template.

Have you written an article using the changing times concept? Share your article and experiences in the comments section here.

Christopher M. Knight To Your Article Writing Success & Passion!
Christopher Knight
Christopher M. Knight, Publisher

PS: Click here to discover how easy it can be to build a huge article library that will make an impact with the EzineArticles Interactive Article Templates!

EzineArticles Member Endorsement
Christine Larsen "I love the templates"

I find I love the templates and have a file with copies of all of them. Sometimes I go through them and put Post-it notes on individual templates with ideas/titles/themes - ready for possible development into an article ... or sometimes not. But that's OK, because it often stirs a memory or fits somehow with an opinion I hold, or an idea that's still deep within my 'think tank.'

Christine Larsen

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