Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Before You Get Intimate With Him - Read This

Before You Sleep With Him - Read This
Will He Stick Around After You Get Intimate?
Not If You Make These Common Mistakes

Dear thomas,

Have you ever found yourself wondering if it's too early to sleep with a man... or what to do if you've ALREADY gotten physical, and now he's stopped seeing you and calling you for no apparent reason?

Truth is, just because a man has slept with you, it doesn't mean that he'll spend even one moment considering whether he wants to have a relationship with you right now or in the future.

That's why, today, I want to make sure that you NEVER get hurt again when it comes to getting physical with a man then trying to create a relationship with him. Next time you're deciding whether to sleep with him, make sure you're not making one of these critical mistakes:

Fooling Yourself
Sometimes women say nothing to a man about what sleeping together really means to her because she believes he feels the same way. You assume that he wants a relationship because he wants to sleep with you, and it's usually just not true. So choose to always be honest with yourself. Accept that his wanting to sleep with you is NOT an absolute sign of his intentions to take things further, or else save the bedroom for later.

Pretending It's Meaningless
Have you ever wanted to hide your feelings after sleeping with a man because you thought it might "weird him out" or make it awkward? You don't say how you feel because you don't want to blow it or get hurt when he doesn't want the same thing. If so, don't pretend that sleeping with him is meaningless to you. If he isn't receptive to hearing what's really going on inside you, be grateful... now you know that he's not willing or able to move towards a deeper relationship.

Becoming Clingy Or Needy
Although you may feel more bonded to a man after sleeping with him, know that he won't fall for you just because you slept together. It's just the way that a woman and a man are "wired." Know in advance what sleeping with him will mean to you. If your insight tells you that you're likely to become clingy or needy, put off sleeping together until you learn how to use this emotional energy in a positive way... It's the best path toward the deeper, more connected and meaningful relationship that you really want.

What You MUST Know Before Sleeping With Him

I don't want you to ever feel bad, insecure or uncertain just because you made the decision to sleep with a man. Being physical with a man is NOT wrong or bad!

But... if you're interested in having a RELATIONSHIP with a man... then you must learn how to say and do the right things to create certain feelings inside him... feelings that have nothing to do with "getting physical"... so that sleeping with him truly works to bring him closer to you in love.

Want to learn everything there is to know about creating that kind of attraction in a man? The kind of feeling that guarantees he'll want you so badly AFTER sleeping with you that he can hardly stand it? Then here's what I suggest...

Subscribe to my FREE NEWSLETTER. It's where, each and every week, I reveal everything you need to know about how men really think about getting physical and relationships, what they need from you before they'll commit, and how to find enduring, effortless success in love.

Christian Carter is a globally acclaimed dating / relationship expert and author of the top-selling eBook "Catch Him And Keep Him: A Woman's Guide To Finding Mr. Right And Keeping Him Hooked For Good." Christian has taught thousands of women how to "go inside the mind of man" to become more successful with dating, relationships, and love.

Through his success-proven eBook, expert newsletters and in-depth programs, Christian delivers the "ultimate insider's perspective... as to what men really want, giving women the understanding and insight they need to find, date, and create long-lasting relationships with their ultimate "Mr. Right."

I hope you enjoyed the article above. It was written by Christian Carter, the best-selling author of the eBook "Catch Him And Keep Him", who has helped thousands of women understand how men think and improve their love lives.


David Riklan
Editor - Self Improvement Newsletter
Founder - SelfGrowth.com

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