Senin, 29 Juni 2015 10 Steps to Guilt-Free Living & Become Super-Positive


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6/29/15 issue:   10 Steps to Guilt-Free Living & Become Super-Positive

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* Self Improvement and Personal Growth Weekly Newsletter *
Issue #877, Week of June 29-30, 2015
Publisher: David Riklan -

In this issue:

-- Quotes of the Week
-- Article: The Top 10 Steps to Guilt-Free Living - by Diana Robinson
-- Article: How to Become Super-Positive! – By Karl Moore
-- Book Review: The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator's Rules For Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child - by Ron Clark
-- How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe from this Newsletter

*** Quotes of the Week ***

We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about. -Charles Kingsley

"Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves. -Sir James M. Barrie

Take your life in your own hands and what happens? A terrible thing: no one is to blame. -Erica Jong

The Top 10 Steps to Guilt-Free Living - by Diana Robinson

Too many people live in a state of constant guilt. They feel guilty if they spend a cent on themselves. They feel guilty if they are not constantly at the beck and call of someone else. They feel guilty if anything goes wrong in the life of any of their loved ones, because, somehow, they should have prevented it. Sometimes it seems as though they feel guilt just because they exist! Others feel guilty because their behavior and their values are frequently at odds. Here are some reassurances and ways to plan ahead so as to not feel guilty.

1. If you don't want others to know about something you are about to do, then that is a signal that you are ashamed of it.
Solution - don't do it.

** To read the full article, go here.


How to Become Super-Positive! – By Karl Moore ***

If your get-up and go has got-up and gone, then it's time to start stirring up those positive vibes...

It's a well-known fact that positive-minded people are more likely to achieve their life's goals. When you're upbeat, everything looks different: your day is brighter and full of potential. What's more, opportunities more readily come your way and you're able to face challenges with a sense of ease. In fact, being in an optimistic frame of mind can help you gain success and greater levels of happiness.

However, not everyone finds it easy to be super-positive. It requires a change in perspective and focused intentions to break away from redundant beliefs and negativity but once you start changing your outlook, you'll feel motivated, energised and empowered.

To become super-positive so that you can achieve your goals and enjoy a fulfilling life, try the following:

** To read the full article, go here.


*** The Essential 55: An Award-Winning Educator's Rules For Discovering the Successful Student in Every Child - by Ron Clark ***

The runaway bestseller that's a must-have for every parent and teacher. How many authors would travel coast to coast on a bus to get their book into as many hands as possible? Not many. But that's just what Ron Clark, author of The Essential 55, did to keep his book and message in the public eye. And it worked. After his Oprah appearance, sales skyrocketed: we've sold more than 850,000 copies in six months! The book sat tenaciously on the New York Times bestseller list for 11 weeks. Ron Clark was featured on the Today show, and in the Chicago Tribune, Good Housekeeping, and the New York Daily News--not to mention the calls we've received from teachers and parents who want to get their hands on Ron's guidelines for teaching children.

Now in paperback, The Essential 55 will be the perfect book for parents and teachers to slip into their own backpacks, to read on the train or at lunch, and to highlight the sections that resonate for them. And with an author who is truly a partner in getting his message to the masses, we just can't lose.

The list price of this book is $16.00. To purchase it from at a price of $9.13, a40% discount, go here.


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